Use the Framework s Virtual Clipboard

Visual LANSA Framework

Use the  Framework's Virtual Clipboard

The Framework extends the LANSA for the web state model by providing a facility called the virtual clipboard.

Using the virtual clipboard you might code the function like this:

Define  #Number *dec 7 0 default(0)

Web_Map For(*both) Fields(#Number)


To save the #Number value:


#avFrameworkManager.avSaveValue Withid1(*Component) Withid2(Save_Number) Fromavalue(#Number)


To restore the #Number value:


#avFrameworkManager.avRestoreValue Withid1(*Component) Withid2(Save_Number) ToNvalue(#Number) Useavaluedefault(0)


The virtual clipboard also allows you to dynamically define complex lists (and even lists within lists). It also allows information to be easily passed between filters and command handlers.

The shipped Programming Techniques application contains several examples of using the Virtual Clipboard facility.