avCheckAuth Method
This method allows you to add your own layer of security on top the Framework security.
avCheckInstanceAuth Method
This method allows you to add instance-level security on top the Framework security.
This IIP method allows you to license your Framework.
Main window is to be closed
Secondary window is to be closed
Connects file to a server system.
Disconnects files from a server system.
This method allows you to enroll your own visual styles.
Main window has opened and is ready for work
This IIP method allows the Framework designer to code rules that new passwords must obey. These rules only apply to passwords created for local sign on. Examples of such rules might be "Must be more than 6 characters" or "Must not contain the same letter twice" or "Must contain at least one digit".
This IIP method replaces the standard Framework logon / connection process with a private version.
This IIP method replaces the standard Framework disconnection with a private version.
This controls what happens when the clicks on one of the entries located in the quick find dialog. (If Quick Find Override Feature is activated).
This overrides the list of possible values that can be searched for, in the Quick Find dialog. (If Quick Find Override Feature is activated).
Secondary window has opened and is ready for work
Sets session values just before the connection to the server occurs.
Most session values are set by IIP avSetSessionValues, but since this occurs after connection to the server, it is not appropriate for some session values (for example session value PSRR). Use this IIP to set the session values that need to be set prior to connection.
Sets session values (via Built-In SET_SESSION_VALUE) for users at sign on time.
This IIP method is used to check the names of functions, processes, wams and reusable parts generated by the Program Coding Assistant
Supports imbedded validation of user profiles and passwords.
This server function allows Windows Client Server applications to modify the user profile after the user has connected to the server. This allows framework security to be based on a different user than the user profile that was used to connect to the server.
A typical use of this function would be to create a VLF user profile for each category of user, and assign the appropriate VLF authorities to this user profile. Then when individual users sign on to the server, this function allocates them to the appropriate VLF user based on user data held on the server, or based on their iSeries group profile.
See the source code of UF_SYSBR/UFU0005 for more details