Programming your instance list

Visual LANSA Framework

Programming your instance list

The logic you use to work with your instance list is the same in Windows or Web browser filters even though the syntax is different.

The shipped Windows Sections filter DF_FILT4 uses this code to add details to the instance list:

Invoke Method(#avListManager.AddtoList) Akey1(#Deptment) Akey2(#Section)
       VisualID1(#Section) VisualID2(#SecDesc) AColumn1(#SecDesc) AColumn2(#SecPhBus) NColumn1(#SecPCode)


The shipped WAM filter DM_FILT4 uses functionally identical code structured like this:

#avListManager.AddtoList Visualid1(#DEPTMENT) Visualid2(#SECTION) Akey1(#DEPTMENT) Akey2(#SECTION) AColumn1(#SecDesc) AColumn2(#SecPhBus) NColumn1(#SecPCode)


In both cases the additional columns are added to the instance list by reference to properties named like AColumn, NColumn and DColumn.

AColumn is used to identify alphanumeric values and has a maximum length of 100 characters. NColumn is used to identify numeric values and has a maximum precision of 30,9. DColumn is used to identify date or date/time values and are input as alphanumeric values with a maximum length of 19 characters. Date or date/time values passed to the DColumn property must also be in ISO format, i.e., CCYY-MM-DD or CCYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. However different display formats can be selected on the Instance List/Relations tab.

Using the standard shipped instance list, in both Windows applications and Web browser applications, you can have at most 10 alphanumeric columns, 10 numeric columns and 5 date or date/time columns.

The number of additional columns you have will affect the performance and storage space used by your application, so use additional columns with care.

 Also see Instance List with more than 10 alphanumeric and/or 10 numeric additional columns.

Date/Time Additional Column Programming Example