Step 2 Add More Trace Statements

Visual LANSA Framework

Step 2. Add More Trace Statements

In this step, you will add another trace statement to the filter. The statement will show when the EMPLOYEE_CHANGED event was signalled and the employee number passed.


1.   Locate the event routine handling the EMPLOYEE_CHANGED event (#avFrameworkManager.uWAMEvent_2) and add this statement to trace when the EMPLOYEE_CHANGED event is triggered and to show the employee number passed by the event:







2.   Compile the filter and check it in.

3.   In the Framework select employees using the filter and then select one employee to display the Employee Details command handler.

4.   Change one of the employee details and click the Save button.

5.   Notice the EMPLOYEE_CHANGED event and the employee number are shown in the trace:


6.   Close the Framework.