You can dynamically update individual entries in a parent child instance list without collapsing the visual tree

Visual LANSA Framework

You can dynamically update individual entries in a parent-child instance list without collapsing the visual tree

To do this use #AvListManager.BeginListUpdate Mode(DYNAMIC), as in these examples:

To change SECTION ADM-02 to have a VisualID2 of hello:


Invoke Method(#avListManager.BeginListUpdate) Mode(DYNAMIC)


Invoke Method(#avListManager.UpdateListEntryData) AKey1('ADM') AKey2('02') VisualID2('hello') BusinessObjectType(SECTIONS)


Invoke Method(#avListManager.EndListUpdate)


To change employee number A1012's VisualID2 to FREDDO FROG:

Invoke Method(#avListManager.BeginListUpdate) Mode(DYNAMIC)


Invoke Method(#avListManager.UpdateListEntryData) Visualid2('FREDDO FROG')  Akey1('ADM') Akey2('01') Akey3('A1012') BusinessObjectType(EMPLOYEES)


Invoke Method(#avListManager.EndListUpdate)


Also see Updating and Deleting Instance List Entries