Completed the LANSA Composer Server Setup Wizard

LANSA Composer

Completed the LANSA Composer Server Setup Wizard

The LANSA Composer Server Setup wizard reports that the installation is complete.


The LANSA Composer Server software is successfully installed.

The LANSA Composer Server Setup is in two parts.  This completes the first part.

Next, the Completing LANSA Composer Server Setup wizard will start and guide you through the further steps necessary to load LANSA Composer files and data in order to prepare your LANSA Composer installation for first use.  The following topics describe the steps and the responses you should provide at each step:

Completing LANSA Composer Server Setup

LANSA Composer Files Location

LANSA Composer Files Network Path

Import Supplied Definitions

Ready To Install

Installing LANSA Composer Files and Data

LANSA Composer Files and Data Have Been Installed


Click Finish to close the wizard and then continue with the following:

Completing LANSA Composer Server Setup