Step 2 Set up the Directories that your Trading Partner will use

LANSA Composer

Step 2. Set up the Directories that your Trading Partner will use

1.  Select your tutorial Trading Partner.

2.  Select the Linked Directories tab. Note that the IDOC_ and ODOC_ set of directories have been create as Linked Directories.

3.  Create a new linked directory for this Trading Partner by clicking the Add button on the right of the Linked Directories tab to open a separate dialog containing a list of Directory types. This list of directory types is built from the Code Values (to view this in the Navigator expand Administration and Housekeeping and select Code Maintenance, then Code group of Trading Partner directory types).

4.  From the list of Directory Types select Tutorial. To select, use the checkbox then click OK.

     The Directory Types window will close and your selection will be placed in the list of linked directories.

5.  The Directory Path will be set to a path based on partner name and the code for the Directory Type, relative to the Default Trading Partner Linked Directory in system settings.

     For example:


     Where iiiTUTTP is the Trading Partner name.

6.  Press the OK button to save your changes.

7.  Copy the order file TUTORDER.XML from the tutorial folder. For example, /LANSA_composer_licpgmlib/lic/tutorial, into your trading partner's linked tutorial folder /LANSA_composer_licpgmlib/lic/IIITUTTP/TUT