3.6 Restart a Processing Sequence Run
When a Processing Sequence run ends in error (including when its execution is suspended explicitly using the SUSPEND Processing Sequence directive), it may be possible to restart it from the point of failure.
For example, if an FTP_INBOUND Activity in a Processing Sequence fails, perhaps because the remote FTP location was unavailable, it is usually possible to restart the Processing Sequence at a later time, when the communication error has been resolved.
When a failed Processing Sequence restarts:
- It restarts from the point of failure, even if the point of failure was inside one or more Processing Sequence "blocks", such as a LOOP or WHILE block, or in a conditional block such as IF or CASE.
- Any loop indices and all Processing Sequence variables retain the values they had at the point of failure.
- The Processing Sequence executes the same version of the Processing Sequence definition with the Processing Sequence run was started, even if that is not the current definition.
Note: If the Processing Sequence execution was suspended explicitly using the SUSPEND Processing Sequence directive, the Processing Sequence restarts immediately
the SUSPEND directive.Conditions for restarting a Processing Sequence run
In order for a Processing Sequence run to be eligible to be restarted, the following conditions must be true:
- The Processing Sequence definition must specify that is restartable.
- The definition of the Activity or Transformation Map that ended in error must specify that it is restartable.
- There must have been no active aXes terminal sessions active at the point of failure.
- The version of the Processing Sequence definition that ended in error must still be available.
- The run history for the affected Processing Sequence run that ended in error must still be available.
- The error arose through a Processing Sequence error status being raised. Processing Sequence that end in error as a result of abnormal program termination of a program used by an Activity, Transformation Map or the Processing Sequence engine cannot be restarted.
Note: Processing Sequence run history and version history can be purged using the Database Housekeeping function. If the necessary information has been purged, it will not be possible to restart the affected Processing Sequence run.