This activity calls a named Java program, and can pass up to 9 command-line parameter (or argument) values. It cannot receive parameter values back from the Java program, however.
It is the user's responsibility to ensure the program and all required supporting components are available in the default or specified classpath at execution time and that the executing job has the necessary authorities to make the call.
The CALL_JAVA activity will use a Java environment with system default execution attributes. There is no means by which you can specify or override the Java VM version or other parameters such as those affecting JVM garbage collection.
Depending on the operating environment, load and capacity, the overhead of starting a JVM for each execution of the CALL_JAVA activity may become excessive in some applications. The CALL_JAVA activity is intended mostly for relatively infrequent non-intensive use. If your application calls for intensive use (for example, executing a Java program repeatedly in a tight loop), then you should consider and test the performance characteristics before commiting to this activity as a solution. Some applications may be better served with a custom solution.
INPUT Parameters:
CLASS : Required
This parameter specifies the name of the Java class to be run. The class name may be qualified by one or more package names. Each package name must be followed by a period. For example 'pkg1.pkg2.myClass'. You may specify the special value '*VERSION' to have Java run with the -version switch and list the JVM version information in the processing sequence log (when run with sufficient logging in effect). Alternatively, you may specify the name of a jar file in which the startup class is indicated by the Main-Class specified in the manifest.
CLASSPATH : Optional
This parameter can specify the path used to locate Java classes. Directories are separated by colons. If not specified, the classpath will be determined by the operating environment.
PARM09 : Optional
These parameters can be used to pass up to nine command-line parameter (or argument) values to the called Java program. The activity will pass the number of parameters (up to nine) for which you specify values or alternate variable names. If used, they must be specified contiguously (the activity stops looking after the first parameter whose value is not specified).
OUTPUT Parameters:
There are no output parameters.