This activity runs a named LANSA Composer processing sequence. It can pass up to five named parameter values to the processing sequence. The processing sequence to be run does not have to be and usually is not in the same LANSA Composer configuration or even on the same server (*) system as the activity that initiates the run. The processing sequence can be run synchronously or asynchronously.
(* Note a LANSA Composer Remote Request Server license is required for the remote server in order to run a Processing Sequence on a different server system.)
The COMPOSER_RUN activity will run the specified processing sequence through the LANSA Composer Request Server. This means that the processing sequence runs in another process or job (the request server). LANSA Composer and the request server communicate cooperatively to execute the request and return the results.
As a consequence, some particular considerations apply, including considerations related to:
- User profiles, authorities and the execution environment
- IBM i work management (jobs and subsystems)
Refer to 2.3.10 LANSA System Configuration for information about the LANSA system configurations that are used in conjunction with this activity and with the CALL_FUNCTION activity.
Refer to Appendix F. The LANSA Composer Request Server in the LANSA Composer guide for detailed information about considerations for requests executed through the LANSA Composer request server.
INPUT Parameters:
This parameter specifies the name of a LANSA system configuration that identifies the LANSA system and partition containing the processing sequence to run and the connection details, if required, to connect to the server system on which the LANSA system resides.. This parameter is required on Windows servers and recommended on IBM i servers.
PSEQ : Required
This parameter identifies the processing sequence to run. Either the external identifier (name) or the internal identifier (as shown on the Audit tab) may be specified.
This parameter specifies whether the activity waits for the processing sequence run to complete. It defaults to YES, which means the activity does wait. If any other value is specified, the activity posts the processing sequence run request and completes immediately.
This parameter specifies the number of seconds the activity waits for a synchronous run to complete. If not specified, a default of 30 seconds is used. If the timeout is exceeded, the activity ends with an error.
EXPIRES : Optional
On IBM i servers only, this parameter specifies the number of seconds, after it is posted to the request server, that the request remains effective. If more than the specified interval has elapsed before the request server begins to process the request, the request server will consider the request to have expired and will not process it. If not specified, a default of zero (0) is used, which means that no expiry applies to the request. No expiry applies when running on Windows servers.
These parameters can be used to pass up to five processing sequence parameter name and value pairs to the processing sequence.
- PARMNAME01 (… PARMNAME05) should contain the parameter name as defined in the processing sequence to be run
- PARMVALUE01 (… PARMVALUE05) should contain the value that is to be passed to the processing sequence for the corresponding parameter name. The maximum value length that can be passed is 200.
If used, they must be specified contiguously (the activity stops looking after the first parameter name/value pair that is not specified).
LANSASYS : Optional (deprecated)
This parameter specifies the name of the program library for the LANSA system containing the processing sequence to run. If not specified or if *CURRENT is specified, the activity assumes the same LANSA system as is executing LANSA Composer. This parameter is only used on IBM i servers and is provided for backwards compatibility. On Windows servers (and for new solutions on IBM i servers) you should specify a LANSA system configuration name in the LANSACONFIG parameter. If a LANSA system configuration is named in the LANSACONFIG parameter, the value of this parameter is not used.
PARTITION : Optional (deprecated)
This parameter specifies the name of the partition containing the processing sequence to run. If not specified or if *CURRENT is specified, the activity assumes the same partition in which LANSA Composer is executing. This parameter is only used on IBM i servers and is provided for backwards compatibility. On Windows servers (and for new solutions on IBM i servers) you should specify a LANSA system configuration name in the LANSACONFIG parameter. If a LANSA system configuration is named in the LANSACONFIG parameter, the value of this parameter is not used.
OUTPUT Parameters:
There are no output parameters.