This Activity will send an email with or without attachments to one or more recipients.
The details for the email must be specified in an SMTP mail details configuration. Selected details of the configuration may be overridden using the activity parameters.
To use this Activity you must have an SMTP mail server available. The activity will send the email through the SMTP server identified in the specified or system default SMTP server configuration.
An email Event notification named SMTPFAILED is available in this Activity. If this event is active and a failure occurs in this Activity, then an email will be sent. Refer to Event Maintenance for setting up Event notifications.
INPUT Parameters:
This parameter should contain the name of an SMTP Message Detail configuration that specifies details of the e-mail message to be sent. If this parameter is not provided or is not found, an error will be returned and processing abandoned.
This parameter may contain the name of SMTP server Configuration that will be used to send the e-mail. If this parameter is not provided then the default SMTP server configuration set in System Settings will be used as the mail server.
TOADDRESS : Optional
This parameter may contain the email address(es) to be used for the TO email address. If not specified, then the TO email address(es) from the detail configuration will be used as the TO email address. You may specify a single email address (eg: '[email protected]') or a list of email addresses separated by commas (eg: '[email protected],[email protected]').
CCADDRESS : Optional
This parameter may contain the email address(es) to be used for the CC (copy to) email address. If not specified, then the CC email address from the detail configuration will be used as the CC email address. You may specify a single email address (eg: '[email protected]') or a list of email addresses separated by commas (eg: '[email protected],[email protected]').
This parameter may contain the email address(es) to be used for the BCC (blind copy to) email address. If not specified, then the BCC email address from the detail configuration will be used as the BCC email address. You may specify a single email address (eg: '[email protected]') or a list of email addresses separated by commas (eg: '[email protected],[email protected]').
This parameter may contain an email address to be used for the FROM email address. If not specified, then the FROM email address from the detail configuration will be used as the FROM email address.
NB: SMTP mail servers may enforce certain rules about the FROM addresses that can be specified, in order to prevent abusive practices such as mail relay.
This parameter may contain the FROM display name. If not specified, then the FROM display name from the detail configuration will be used as the FROM display name.
This parameter may contain the email subject line. If not specified, then the subject from the configuration will be used as the email subject line.
This parameter may contain the location and file name to be used as the body text.
If parameter values are available, it will be used for the body text of the email message.
If no parameters exist and a value exists on the detail Configuration, it will be used for the body text.
Mail attachments may be provided as a list.
If parameter values are available, they will be added as attachments.
If no parameters exist and a value exists on the detail Configuration, it will be used to add an attachment.
If some mail attachments were found, they may be attached as a zip. The name of the zip will be retrieved from the parameters. If a parameter does not exist but a value for the zip exists in the details Configuration that name will be used.
If no zip name is provided, as parameter or in Configuration, then attachments are added unzipped.
OUTPUT Parameters:
There are no output parameters.