Creating Further User Profiles for Use with LANSA Composer

LANSA Composer

Creating Further User Profiles for Use with LANSA Composer

If you wish not to use the supplied default user profile for your work with your LANSA Composer server, you may create your own profiles.

When creating a user that will be used to connect to your LANSA Composer server from the LANSA Composer client, you should create it with the job description that was created in the LANSA Composer program library (usually LICPGMLIB).

For example, you could use the following command to create LCUSER1:



Although this user profile has no special authorities, it should suffice for most LANSA Composer work in a default installation.

However, a lack of authorities may become evident in some particular respects.  For example, this user may not be able to successfully prepare Transformation Maps due to a lack of specific authority to the /LANSA_licpgmlib/jsm/instance folder in the IBM i IFS.

Most such authority-related errors can be avoided by making the user a member of the group LICPGMLIB (or similar name if you used a library name prefix other than the default LIC).  For example, you could revise the command you use to create the user profile as follows:



If you have more than one installation of LANSA Composer on your IBM i server (for example, separate design and production environments), then you will usually need to use a different user profile to connect to each.  In each case the user profile should specify the job description appropriate to the target LANSA Composer system.