Save, Load and Transform Processing Sequence Variables
LANSA Composer defines a document format and provides activities for saving and loading processing sequence variables and for transforming application data to or from that format. This support provides a further means to populate and exchange data in processing sequence variables. It facilitates solutions to scenarios such as:
- The Processing Sequence needs access to certain variable data from a transaction document file
Using a Transformation Map, the transaction data can be mapped to the format of LANSA Composer's Process Sequence Variables (PSV) Files. Then using the LOAD_PSVSET activity, the Processing Sequence can load the required variables from the PSV file.
- Certain variable data originating in the Processing Sequence needs to be written to a transaction document file
The Processing Sequence may save the variable data using the SAVE_PSVSET activity and then execute a Transformation Map that transforms the variable data from the format of LANSA Composer's Process Sequence Variables (PSV) Files to the transaction document file or database.
- One Processing Sequence performs Activities that populate a set of Processing Sequence variables and/or variable lists that are then used in a second Processing Sequence
The first Processing Sequence may save the variable data using the SAVE_PSVSET activity and then start or submit the second Processing Sequence which will load the variable data using the LOAD_PSVSET activity.
The following headings provide further information about saving, loading and transforming Processing Sequence variables:
Process Sequence Variables (PSV) Files
Transform To or From a PSV File