2.5.3 Transformation Map Details
The details of a Transformation Map consist of basic identification and status information:
Basic identification and status information for a Transformation Map definition is as follows:
An identifier to uniquely identify this Transformation Map.
This should describe the purpose or use of the Transformation Map.
Map Type
You can assign a map type to the Transformation Map using the dropdown list .
Note: Transformation Map types are used to group and categorize transformation maps that have a similar function or purpose, particularly for when transformation maps are linked to trading partner definitions. Map types are user-defined. The dropdown list will contain Transformation Map types only if you have defined types in LANSA Composer. Refer to Code Maintenance for information on defining map types.
Yes or No. This value determines whether a Processing Sequence run that fails while executing this Transformation Map can be restarted (if it is otherwise eligible).
Yes indicates the Transformation Map can be restarted.
No indicates that this Transformation Map cannot be restarted. A Processing Sequence that fails on this Transformation Map will not be eligible to be restarted.
Active or Inactive. Transformation Maps cannot be used in a processing sequence when they are Inactive.