LANSA Composer


This activity processes an EDI transaction document file to discover more information about its contents.  If the document has already been registered in the transaction document register, the activity will update the register with information extracted from the document.

The functions of this activity include:

  • determining the EDI document standard, version and the transaction type;
  • matching the EDI transaction document to a LANSA Composer trading partner definition, and updating the transaction document register accordingly;
  • populating the trading partner agreements (interchanges), groups and transactions (messages) sections of the transaction document register with initial information about the contents of the EDI transaction document;
  • optionally validating the EDI transaction(s) (if specified for the matching trading partner, and if a SEF file is specified for the matching LANSA Composer document standard and version).

INPUT Parameters:

EDINUMBER : Required

This parameter specifies the transaction document envelope number for the transaction document.  This number is normally assigned by the TXDOC_REGISTER activity.

If the document has not been registered, you can specify the special value '*NONE'.  If you specify '*NONE', the activity will not attempt to use or update the transaction document register with information gleaned from the document.

EDIFILE : Required

This parameter specifies the path and name of the EDI transaction document file.

EDIDIR : Required

This parameter specifies the direction (I=inbound, O=outbound) for the document exchange.

OUTPUT Parameters:


Upon successful completion, this parameter will contain the document standard id (as defined in LANSA Composer's Document types) that applies to the EDI transaction document.


Upon successful completion, this parameter will contain the document standard version id (as defined in LANSA Composer's Document types) that applies to the EDI transaction document.


Upon successful completion, this parameter will contain the EDI transaction type (eg: 850 or INVOIC) of the EDI transaction(s) contained in the EDI transaction document.


Upon successful completion, this parameter will contain P if the EDI transaction is a production transaction or T if it is a test transaction.


Upon successful completion, this parameter indicates whether the transaction is deemed to be valid (Y) or not (N), if the transaction was validated according to the LANSA Composer settings in effect for the applicable trading partner and document standard.


Upon successful completion, this parameter will contain the identifier of the trading partner that matches the EDI transaction document.