Mapping Tool Requirements

LANSA Composer

Mapping Tool Requirements

To use the mapping tool and the Transformation Map features of LANSA Composer, you need the following on the workstation at which the Transformation Maps will be designed.

  • LANSA Composer client software
  • Altova MapForce installed, configured and licensed
  • A supported Java Development Kit for compiling the Java code for the Transformation Map.

    The Java development kit (JDK) must be at a level that is capable of compiling the Java code for Transformation Maps to the required Java version as required by the JVM on the LANSA Composer Server.  In order to run Transformation Maps, the following minimum JVM level is required on the LANSA Composer server:
  • For Transformation Maps created with Altova MapForce 2013 or later, your JVM must be at level 1.6 or higher.
  • For Transformation Maps created with Altova MapForce 2009 or later, your JVM must be at level 1.5 or higher.
  • For Transformation Maps created with Altova MapForce 2008 release 2 or earlier, your JVM must be at level 1.4 or higher.  For Excel 2007 (OOXML) support, Java 1.5 or higher is necessary.


The LANSA Composer client setup will install these components if necessary.


LANSA Composer will operate successfully with all recent versions of Altova MapForce.  It is not mandatory to upgrade Altova MapForce to the version supplied with this version of LANSA Composer, although we strongly advise that you do so in order to take advantage of new functionality in Altova MapForce.

You should make sure that you use the same version of Altova MapForce on all LANSA Composer client installations.

If you intend to use Altova MapForce to create mappings involving EDI X12, EDIFACT, HL7 or certain other specialized transaction standards, you may need to install additional configuration files for that transaction standard.  These are not installed by the LANSA Composer client installation.  The additional installers for EDI X12 and EDIFACT for the shipped version of Altova MapForce are provided on the LANSA Composer client media.  Configuration files for other versions or standards may be downloaded from the Altova web-site at