This Activity will zip a list of directories and place the contents of the directories, and any sub-directories into a zip archive. The directories to be included may be specified in a list. The name of the zip archive may be specified or a default name may be created.
The location for the zip archive must be specified. If the zip archive already exists, it may be overwritten or added to. If the zip archive does not exist it will be created.
Other Activities for zip processing:
Zips a list of files and adds them to a zip archive. |
Lists the contents of an existing zip archive. |
Extracts a single file or the entire contents of a zip archive. |
INPUT Parameters:
This parameter should contain a list of directories. The list must contain at least one entry.
Each entry in the list should be the full directory path.
The contents of any sub-directories will also be included in the resulting zip archive. The base directory will be included with each entry added to the zip archive.
For example: Windows C:\mydirectory
IBM i /orders
This value should contain the full path to be used for the location of the zip archive file that will be created.
For example: Windows C:\zipdirectory
IBM i /savedorders
This optional value may contain the full name of the zip file to be created.
If this value is not provided, a name will be generated using the System Setting value, Zip File Name Prefix, plus a unique number and a .zip extension.
For example:
This optional value may contain YES or NO. If this value is not provided it defaults to YES.
If YES, the zip archive file created is cleared before adding new entries.
If NO, the zip archive is not cleared before adding new entries. Therefore, if the zip archive already exists, the contents will be extended by the additional entries.
OUTPUT Parameters:
ZIPARCHIVENAMEUpon successful completion, this parameter will contain the name of the zip archive actually used. This may be the same as the value input or may be the name generated by the activity.
ZIPARCHIVEPATHUpon successful completion, this parameter will contain the full path and name of the zip archive.