LANSA Application Initiates a Processing Sequence
There are several ways that an application can initiate a Processing Sequence. They are fully described in Run a Processing Sequence.
However, for a LANSA application, there are some particular and additional considerations.
The recommended way for a LANSA application to directly execute a Processing Sequence is by means of the built-in functions supplied with LANSA V12SP1 and above.. Refer to Run a Processing Sequence from a LANSA application for more information. The considerations below do not apply if you use the supplied built-in functions in your LANSA application.
If your LANSA application will submit the Processing Sequence such that it executes in a separate process or job, then you are free to use any of the described means to do so, even when the LANSA application is in a different LANSA system and/or partition to LANSA Composer.
If, however, you wish your LANSA application to directly execute the Processing Sequence (other than by means of the built-in functions provided), then you should consider the following:
- You must not invoke the Processing Sequence using any method that will cause one of the LANSA entry points (LANSA command or program, X_RUN) to be executed, as this will lead to recursion issues. In particular, this means:
- You may not invoke the COMPOSER command
- You may not invoke the DXP1RUN function via the LANSA command or by executing X_RUN
- The LANSA application code unit (function or component) that will invoke the Processing Sequence must reside in the same LANSA system and partition as LANSA Composer.
These considerations apply whether the invocation is direct or indirect. In other words, you cannot circumvent these constraints by initiating the Processing Sequence from a non-LANSA program that you invoke from your LANSA application.