Using dxstart exe to start functions of LANSA Composer on Windows

LANSA Composer

Using dxstart.exe to start functions of LANSA Composer on Windows

LANSA Composer provides dxstart.exe for starting functionality of the LANSA Composer client and/or of the LANSA Composer Windows server.  It is installed in the X_WIN95\X_LANSA\Execute directory of the LANSA Composer client or server installation.  Using dxstart.exe you can:

  • Start the LANSA Composer client application
  • Start the LANSA Composer Document Manager application
  • Execute a processing sequence run "shortcut" from the client computer
  • Re-organise the LANSA Composer database


When you install LANSA Composer, shortcuts are automatically created for the first two of these functions.  If you need to, you can use the information contained here to create your own shortcuts or integrate dxstart.exe into your desktop or server environment in other ways that you choose.  This appendix provides the following information:

dxstart.exe Syntax and Parameters

dxstart.exe Configuration File

dxstart.exe Examples