2.2 Activities by Group
LANSA Composer is supplied with a range of ready-to-use Activities that perform transport, file management and other tasks.
These Activities are supplied complete, including, of course, the Activity Processors. However you may need to create one or more Configurations for use with the transport Activities. Refer to each Activity's description for details.
The supplied Activities should not be changed. Future upgrades to LANSA Composer may completely replace the supplied Activities, overwriting any changes you may make. If you wish to adapt the supplied Activities for your own purposes, you should create your own copy of the Activity definition and the Activity Processor and adapt them to your needs.
Refer to the list of 2.2.17 All Supplied Activities
refer to the following quick reference lists of functionally-related activities:
Some Activities from previous versions of LANSA Composer have been deprecated in this version. Refer to 2.2.18 Deprecated Activities for information on deprecated Activities and suggested alternatives.