Connecting to Microsoft Access to Execute a Transformation Map

LANSA Composer

Connecting to Microsoft Access to Execute a Transformation Map

When the Transformation map runs, it will use JDBC to establish the connection to the Microsoft Access database on your network. This connection is initiated from the server computer on which the transformation map executes.

LANSA Composer prepares the JDBC connection according to the Database Configuration that you provide as a parameter to the Transformation Map. You must define the Database Configuration with the correct details necessary to establish the particular database connection to be used.

Example Database Configuration

The following sample values assume that you will use the JDBC-ODBC bridge included with your JDK on the Windows server running LANSA Composer in order to connect to your Microsoft Access database.  This approach requires that the machine also have the Microsoft Access ODBC driver installed.  There are also other JDBC solutions available for Microsoft Access from third-party providers.

Database driver class

Following is the class name used with the JDBC-ODBC bridge:

Database connection string 

Following is a sample JDBC connection string to connect to a Microsoft Access database using the JDBC-ODBC bridge:

jdbc:odbc:;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=C:\COMPOSER\TUTORIAL\TUTORIAL.mdb


Further considerations

  • The Database Configuration need not specify a username and password unless you have defined security in your Microsoft Access database.
  • Following are some useful references related to the JDBC-ODBC bridge and Microsoft Access ODBC driver:

JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver

Type 1 Driver - JDBC-ODBC bridge

Frequently Asked Questions about JDBC

TechBookReport - JDBC-ODBC Bridge Tutorial - Forgot that connection string? Get it here!