2 1 1 Work With Activities

LANSA Composer

2.1.1 Work With Activities

Using LANSA Composer you can create, maintain, and delete Activity definitions according to your application's needs.

To work with Activities, expand Definitions in the Navigator and click Activities. To find out how to locate and select Activities to work with, refer to:

Locating and selecting items in the Instance Lists


For information on common tasks associated with Activities (such as creating, copying, deleting and printing definitions) refer to:

Working with definition items


For information on tasks associated specifically with Activities, refer to the following headings:

Review or change 2.1.3 Activity Parameters for your activity

Review or change 2.1.4 Activity Groups to which your activity is assigned

Run an Activity

Display the Run History of an Activity

Note: You can review the definitions of Activities that are supplied with LANSA Composer, but you cannot change most of the information. You cannot delete supplied Activities.

Note: If you create your own custom Activities, you must also supply an Activity Processor that implements the custom processing. Refer to Develop a Custom Activity Processor for information on developing your own custom Activity Processor.


Run an Activity

You can run an existing Activity directly, without having to first create a Processing Sequence containing the Activity.

To do so, select the required item in the Activities list. Details of the selected Activity will be displayed.  Click the Run button to run the activity.  LANSA Composer will display a window like the Run Processing Sequence window in which you can enter the input parameter values for the activity.

Refer to Run a Processing Sequence from LANSA Composer.for further information on using the Run Processing Sequence window.

Running an Activity in this way is very much like running a Processing Sequence containing just that Activity.  LANSA Composer will automatically log the input and output parameter values in the Processing Sequence log (subject to the logging level currently in effect).


Display the Run History of an Activity

To display available Run History for an Activity, select the required item in the Activities list and select the Run History tab. A list of processing sequence runs (including direct runs of the Activity) that used the selected Activity will be displayed.

Select an item and click the View button to display the Processing Sequence log or the Print button to print the Processing Sequence log for the run.

If a prior Processing Sequence run has ended in error, you may be able to use the Restart button to restart it from the point of failure.  Refer to Restart a Processing Sequence Run for more information.

Note:  The completeness of the Run History is subject to the logging level that was in force for each run.  Only at more detailed levels of logging is the log information sufficient to identify each and every Activity run.  In addition, Processing Sequence run history can be purged using the Database Housekeeping function.  The run history for Processing Sequence runs that have been purged is no longer available.