2.3.9 Messaging Configuration
The Messaging Configuration is used to set details of how you wish to send and retrieve files using a supported messaging brokering system such as IBM MQ Series.
Activities to make use of this Configuration are provided. These are:
Note: These activities make use of the JMSFileService of LANSA Integrator. This service uses the Java Message Service JMS 1.1 specification. Refer to http://java.sun.com/products/jms/docs.html
This service supports four message brokering systems: IBM MQ Series, ActiveMQ, SonicMQ and TibcoMQ. You need to separately install the message brokering system vendor's implementation of JMS 1.1. If you're using:
- MQSeries, then you require the IBM MQ Series Client for Java JMS jar files.
- SonicMQ, then you require the Sonic JMS jar file.
- ActiveMQ then you require the ActiveMQ JMS jar file.
- TibcoMQ then you require the TibcoMQ JMS jar file.
You will need to know how to use the enterprise messaging system selected for use with this JMSFileService. The setting up and configuring of either messaging system is beyond the scope of this guide.
Information for a Messaging Configuration is on two tabs:
- The Details tab contains information that mostly applies and is set when establishing a connection with the host and can contain information about the folders and file names that are used when sending and receiving files.
- The Message Properties tab can be used to specify message properties that are to be set when sending messages and where to receive message property information when receiving messages.