Choose to Connect Natively or via the ODBC API
The mapping tool may ask whether you wish to connect "natively" or "via the ODBC API".
In most cases you should accept the default "native" selection.
You should only select "via the ODBC API" when instructed to by support or otherwise when experiencing difficulties using the native connection.
Note 1: "Natively" refers to Altova MapForce's native implementation in which it uses the ODBC API to directly interrogate system tables in supported target databases for information that is not normally accessible through the ODBC API alone. This implementation permits the mapping tool to implement advanced database functionality.
Note 2: Whichever choice you make here affects only the connection from the client while defining the map in the mapping tool. At run-time, the prepared map will always use JDBC connections using a LANSA Composer database configuration that you specify.