LANSA Composer


This activity will delete a spool file on an IBM i server.  It is only supported on IBM i servers.

The input parameters must fully identify the spool file to be deleted.  You must specify the SPLFNUMBER parameter if there is more than one spool file of the name specified by the SPLFNAME parameter for the job specified by the first three parameters

INPUT Parameters:

JOBNAME : Required

This parameter specifies the name of the job that created the spool file to be deleted.

JOBUSER : Required

This parameter specifies the user profile name of the job that created the spool file to be deleted.

JOBNUMBER : Required

This parameter specifies the job number of the job that created the spool file to be deleted.

SPLFNAME : Required

This parameter specifies the name of the spool file to be deleted.


This parameter specifies the number of the spool file to be deleted and is only required if there is more than one spool file of the name specified by the SPLFNAME parameter for the job specified by the first three parameters.  If not specified, a default special value of *ONLY is used.  You may specify special values *ONLY or *LAST.  Otherwise specify the number of the job's spooled file that is to be deleted.

OUTPUT Parameters:

There are no output parameters.