Step 6. Execute and Test the Processing Sequence
LIC009 - Handle multiple requests via an email attachment
1. You will need one or more CSV request files. You can use the iiiTUTEMPNO.CSV file you created in Step 3, or create your own CSV files. The files can contain any number of EmployeeNumber entries, each EmployeeNumber must be on a new line.
2. Using any e-mail client software, or web based e-mail, create an e-mail and attach the CSV test files.
3. Send the e-mail to the POP3 mailbox you are using in the exercise
4. In the Navigator, select
5. Click the
button to refresh the instance list. Select the you have just created - iiiTUTSEQ07.6. Click, the
button to bring up the Run processing sequence dialog. Click the button.7. Using your preferred FTP client software, logon to your FTP server and folder where you should have uploaded the response files. If you are using a local server, use Windows Explorer to view the folder.
You should have produced a number of xml files. These are the responses containing Employee details.
The file names will be iiiEmployeeDetails1.xml, iiiEmployeeDetails2.xml ...etc. The number of xml response files is equal to the number of attachments you sent in your e-mail.
8. Examine the contents of the response files received. They will contain employee details for each employee number you specified in each CSV request file.