This activity imports transaction data for incoming transactions by executing the re-useable part specified as the import processor (the import processor is typically associated with the transformation map used to transform the in-coming data).
Refer to the supplied processing sequence TXDOC_IEDI020 as an example of using this activity in the course of processing an in-coming EDI document.
INPUT Parameters:
DOCNUMBER : Required
This parameter must specify the transaction document envelope number for the transaction document whose data is being imported. This number is normally assigned by the TXDOC_REGISTER activity.
This parameter specifies the document content type for the transaction document. The content type can be any string that identifies the content type - for example, you might use the EDI transaction type (eg: '850') for an EDI document or the XML document root element name for an XML document.
This parameter specifies the name of the transaction data import processor component name. This must be the name of a re-useable part derived from the supplied ancestor class DXXIMPBAS. This component must be written to be capable of performing the required processing to import the transaction data for this transaction document, typically from staging files that have been populated by the associated transformation map.
OUTPUT Parameters:
There are no output parameters for this activity.