About Processing Sequence shortcut files

LANSA Composer

About Processing Sequence "shortcut" files

A Processing Sequence "shortcut" file contains the details necessary to run a Processing Sequence along with options and any parameter values you specify.  Amongst the details included in a Processing Sequence "shortcut" file are:

  • The Processing Sequence identity
  • Any non-default Processing Sequence parameter values you specify when you save the "shortcut"
  • The identity of the LANSA Composer server that contains the Processing Sequence


The "shortcut" file is saved as a file with the extension .dxrun.  LANSA Composer associates this file extension with itself so that when you "open" the file in Windows Explorer a LANSA Composer program (dxstart.exe) is started to read the necessary details from the "shortcut" file and execute the Processing Sequence as required, connecting to the LANSA Composer server as required.

The LANSA Composer client must be installed on the computer that executes the Processing Sequence "shortcut" file.

LANSA Composer provides a default folder for holding your Processing Sequence shortcuts, but you can save or copy them to any folder you choose, including onto your desktop or your Windows Start menu.

Note that a Processing Sequence "shortcut" file is a "real" file and not a Windows shortcut or link.  You can however create Windows shortcuts to your Processing Sequence "shortcut" files if you wish.