LANSA Composer Tutorials

LANSA Composer

LANSA Composer Tutorials

The LANSA Composer tutorials are designed to introduce the basic elements of the LANSA Composer application.

This section covers some important topics:

How do I use the Tutorials?

LANSA Composer Server objects required for the Tutorials

Resetting Tutorial Data

Before you begin

In the first six exercises of the tutorials you will create a Composer Processing Sequence that will perform the following steps for each Trading Partner:

  • Find xml files in the "Inbound Tutorial" directory linked to the Trading Partner
  • Read each xml file and update a database table with its data
  • Send an acknowledgement email to the trading partner.

The following tutorials are included:

LIC001 - Introduce Composer Client & Validate Environment

LIC002 - Create a Processing Sequence

LIC003 - Create a Transformation Map

LIC004 - Add the Transformation to the Processing Sequence

LIC005 - Set up a Trading Partner

LIC006 - Add Email Acknowledgement to Processing Sequence

LIC007 - Extract Database to CSV File

LIC008 - Processing via Email

LIC009 - Handle multiple requests via an email attachment

LIC010 - Calling a Processing Sequence (Optional)

LIC011 - Email notification service

How do I use the Tutorials?

It is recommended that you complete the tutorials in sequence. The objects created in the earlier tutorials are reused and extended in the following tutorials.

If the tutorials have been used previously, you should reset the tutorial data, as described in Resetting Tutorial Data.

Some sections of the tutorials will vary according to the server you are using. The examples given in these exercises are for an IBM i server. If you are using a Windows server you will have to use appropriate values for a Windows server. The sections which will vary are:

  • Setting up an ODBC connection within Altova MapForce for the database connection.
  • Setting up a Database connection identifier. This is defining a JDBC connection on your server.
  • Ensuring the database tables used in your Transformation are under commitment control.

LANSA Composer Server objects required for the Tutorials

The objects required for the tutorials are installed with the LANSA Composer server software.

If any of the tutorial objects have been damaged or deleted you can find them:

  • For the IBM i server, in save file DXMASTIFS in your partition data library (for example, LICLICLIB).
  • For the Windows server, in file in your partition execute directory
    for example: c)

The tutorial objects you need are listed below:

  • Database tables:

    For the IBM i server,  the database tables are supplied and installed as *FILE objects in your partition data library (for example, LICLICLIB).
  • For the Windows server, the database tables are supplied and installed in a Microsoft Access database, TUTORIAL.mdb, in your partition execute directory: for example,
    C:\Program Files\LANSA\X_WIN95\X_LANSA\X_LIC\Execute
  • Flat files installed into a directory on your server:
    TUTORIAL.mdb  (Windows server only)
  • Activities:
  • Processing Sequence:
    FSTUTSEQ (example of the completed Processing Sequence)
  • System setting
    The Tutorial Files system setting should be set to the directory location where the flat files are installed.
  • LANSA system variable

Resetting Tutorial Data

If the tutorials have been used previously, it is recommended that you clear the previous results as follows:

  • Delete any data in tables TUTORDH and TUTORDL. These tables will exist on your server.
  • If you are using an IBM i server they will exist in the library being used for the LANSA partition where Composer was installed (for example, LICLICLIB).
  • If you are using a Windows server, they will exist in a Microsoft Access database, TUTORIAL.mdb, in your partition execute directory, for example, C:\Program Files\LANSA\X_WIN95\X_LANSA\X_LIC\Execute

Delete from the tutorial directory flat files:

Note: There may be several of these files where iii represents the initials entered by a person who has previously used the tutorials.

  • Do NOT delete TUT_01_SKEL.txt

For exercises 7, 8,and 9 you will also require the LANSA Personnel Demonstration system installed

Before you begin

In order to complete these tutorials, you must have completed the following:

  • Installed and configured Composer on your server.
  • Installed and configured Composer Client on your Microsoft Windows PC.
  • Obtained a valid server user ID and password to use with Composer.
  • Installed and configured the base LANSA Integrator on your server.
  • Install Altova MapForce and have a valid MapForce license.
  • Installed the LANSA Personnel Demonstration system

It is recommended that you complete the tutorials that are provided with MapForce to familiarize yourself with the mapping environment.

Your Feedback

Your feedback regarding these tutorials will help us improve the overall quality of the LANSA documentation and training. Please email your comments to [email protected]