Process Sequence Variables PSV Files

LANSA Composer

Process Sequence Variables (PSV) Files

LANSA Composer defines a document format to hold or receive Processing Sequence variables and variable lists.  Documents that conform to LANSA Composer's format may be used with the LOAD_PSVSET and SAVE_PSVSET activities and in Transformation Maps.

The document format is actually XML and it is described in a Document Type Definition (DTD) that can be found at  A copy of the DTD, along with a sample PSV file is also installed with LANSA Composer.

This DTD defines LANSA Composer's Processing Sequence Variables (PSV) file format.  The 'PSV' file extension is only a suggestion, not a requirement.

The following is a sample of a PSV file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE psVariables SYSTEM "">


   <psvSet id="1" comment="List containing the names of the colours of the rainbow in English">

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="1" value="Violet"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="2" value="Indigo"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="3" value="Blue"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="4" value="Green"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="5" value="Yellow"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="6" value="Orange"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="7" value="Red"/>


   <psvSet id="2" comment="List containing the names of the colours of the rainbow in French">

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="1" value="Violet"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="2" value="Indigo"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="3" value="Bleu"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="4" value="Vert"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="5" value="Jaune"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="6" value="Orange"/>

      <psVariable name="rainbow" index="7" value="Rouge"/>




Some points to note about the PSV file format:

  • Like any XML file, the root element <psVariables> can occur only once in the file.
  • The <psVariables> root element must contain at least one or more Processing Sequence Variable "sets" defined by a <psvSet> element.

    The possibility for a PSV file to contain more than one PSV Set is important in connection with the LOAD_PSVSET activity, which has iterator capabilities.
  • Within each <psvSet> element there may be one or more <psVariable> elements, each of which defines a Processing Sequence variable, its value and an optional index for use with variable lists.


A Processing Sequence Variables (PSV) file does not contain built-in variables or their values.