Connecting to the LANSA Composer Request Server on a Remote System

LANSA Composer

Connecting to the LANSA Composer Request Server on a Remote System

There are two activities supplied with LANSA Composer that make use of the LANSA Composer Request Server.  They are:




In both cases, an activity parameter is used to specify the name of a LANSA system configuration that contains the details necessary to connect to another LANSA system to run a LANSA function or a LANSA Composer processing sequence in that system.

In the simplest case, the other LANSA (or LANSA Composer) system resides on the same server as the requesting LANSA Composer system.

But it is also possible to define the LANSA system configuration such that the activities can call a LANSA function or execute a LANSA Composer Processing Sequence on a different (*) server system.

* Note a LANSA Composer Remote Request Server license is required for the remote server in order to call a LANSA function or run a Processing Sequence on a different server system.


NB:  At time of writing (with reference to LANSA V12SP1), connection from one IBM i server to another IBM i server is not supported.  This restriction may be lifted in future LANSA versions.


In addition to correctly defining the connection in the LANSA system configuration, there are some other pre-requisites to successfully using this support.  These include:

LANSA Composer must be installed and licensed on the remote system

The LANSA Listener must be active in the remote LANSA Composer system

The requesting system must contain appropriate LANSA communications routing records for the remote system


LANSA Composer must be installed and licensed on the remote system

You must install LANSA Composer on the remote system in order to provide the remote request server components that allow the communications link to be completed.

This installation of LANSA Composer might not be used for any other purpose than to provide those remote request server components.  It does not need to be a fully-licensed LANSA Composer system unless you wish to design or execute Processing Sequences on the remote system  However, a LANSA Composer Remote Request Server license is required for the remote server.


The LANSA Listener must be active in the remote LANSA Composer system

The requesting LANSA Composer system will connect to the remote system through the LANSA listener in the remote LANSA Composer system.  Therefore the LANSA listener must be active in that system in order that it may receive and process the requests.


The requesting system must contain appropriate LANSA communications routing records for the remote system

A vital part of the LANSA system configuration is the Server LU partner name that specifies the logical name that refers to the LANSA listener on the remote system.

The name specified must identify a LANSA communications routing record that specifies, inter alia, the network name or address of the remote system and the TCP port number on which the remote LANSA Composer system is listening.

  • When the requesting LANSA Composer system is running on a Windows server, you create and/or maintain these records using the LANSA Communications Administrator.
  • When the requesting LANSA Composer system is running on an IBM i server, you create and/or maintain these records using LANSA's Work with Communications Routing Records screen.


NOTE:  the LANSA built-in functions used for LANSA development activity to integrate with LANSA Composer do not support connecting to a request server on a remote system.  They can only be used for integrating LANSA applications and LANSA Composer systems that execute on the same server system.