LANSA Composer


The TS_GETFIELD activity retrieves the attributes of a field on the current aXes terminal screen by reference to either the field name (and an optional index for a subfile field) or to the screen row and column number of the field.

INPUT Parameters:

AXHANDLE : Required

This parameter must specify the connection handle value that identifies the aXes terminal server session from which the screen field attributes are to be retrieved.  The connection handle value is returned by the TS_CONNECT activity.

AXNAME : Optional

This parameter may specify the name of the field whose attributes are to be retrieved.  The name may be a user-defined name (if an aXes project name was specified on the TS_CONNECT activity) or an aXes field identifier.  If this parameter is not specified, then values must be specified for the AXSCREENROW and AXSCREENCOL parameters.

AXINDEX : Optional

If a field identified by name (the AXNAME parameter) is contained in a subfile, this parameter may specify the index of the instance on the current screen of the field whose attributes are to be retrieved.  The first instance on the current screen has an index of 1, irrespective of the scroll position of the subfile.  If your processing sequence needs to process fields in subfiles, it must do so a screen at a time and send ROLL_UP/ROLL_DOWN using the TS_SEND activity (just like a 5250 terminal user would have to do).


This parameter may specify the screen row number of the required field.  The row and column together, if used, must refer to the first position of the required field.  The value of this keyword is ignored if a value is specified for the AXNAME parameter.  Conversely, if AXNAME is not specified, then AXSCREENROW and AXSCREENCOL parameter values must be supplied.


This parameter may specify the screen column number of the required field.  The row and column together, if used, must refer to the first position of the required field.  The value of this keyword is ignored if a value is specified for the AXNAME parameter.  Conversely, if AXNAME is not specified, then AXSCREENROW and AXSCREENCOL parameter values must be supplied.

OUTPUT Parameters:


If successful, this parameter will contain the user-defined name of the field (if an aXes project name was specified on the CONNECT command) or the aXes field identifier if no project was specified or no name has been defined for the field.


If successful, this parameter will contain the index of the instance on the current screen of the field.  The first instance on the current screen has an index of 1, irrespective of the scroll position of the subfile.


If successful, this parameter will contain the screen row number of the field.


If successful, this parameter will contain the screen column number of the field.


If successful and the specified field is contained in a subfile, this parameter will contain the number of instances on the current screen for the field (the number of subfile records displayed on the current screen).  For reliability, you should use this activity for a field that is never conditioned on the subfile display - such as the option entry field in a "Work with ..." style display.


If successful, this parameter will contain the value for the specified screen field.