8 2 4 Browser

LANSA Composer

8.2.4 Browser

LANSA Composer implements a web-browser based interface for operational monitoring and control of the application. For convenience of the LANSA Composer designer, however, the browser interface is embedded in the Composer client software. The URLs in this section are used to display the browser interface in the client software.

You can use the Verify URL button to open the specified URL in your web browser in order to verify that the URL is correct and operating.

Base URL for browser interface

Example: http://youriSeries/CGI-BIN/lansaweb?

This value specifies the base URL used from the client computer to access the web-browser based operations console for LANSA Composer. It is used to construct the URL used when the Console option is chosen from the Operations section in the Navigator.

URL for LANSA Integrator (JSM) console

Example: http://youriSeries:4561

This specifies the URL used from the client computer to display LANSA Integrator's Java Service Manager Console. It is used to display the console when the Java Service Manager Console option is chosen from the Operations section in the Navigator.

The URL is usually in the form http://host:port , where host is the name of the application server on which the Java Service Manager is running and port is the port number specified for the console in LANSA Integrator's manager.properties file (default 4561). Refer to the Java Service Manager Console in the LANSA Integrator Guide for more information.