5.6 Using aXes Terminal Operations Scripts
The set of aXes terminal server activities provided with LANSA Composer permit your solution to interact with your 5250 application via aXes in virtually any way necessary.
However, most of the activities perform a single operation amongst several to complete just one screen interaction. For example, the TS_SETBYNAME or TS_SETBYPOS activities let you set the value in a 5250 screen entry field, but only a single field for each execution.
This level of interface is the most flexible for your solution. At each and every operation, your process remains in control, and can perform different actions based on the outcome of every screen interaction.
On the other hand, if every aXes terminal operation was to be executed in this way, the size and complexity of your Processing Sequence may become excessive in a non-trivial implementation. As a consequence, the performance of your solution may be adversely affected.
To enable you to choose the appropriate balance amongst the considerations of flexibility, complexity and performance, LANSA Composer provides support for aXes terminal operations scripts that may be executed using the TS_EXECUTE activity.
Using this support, your application can replace a series of TS_SETBYNAME or TS_SETBYPOS activities that populate one entry screen, for example, with a single TS_EXECUTE activity.
You can optionally break your script into separate routines that are executed separately. For example, you may define a script routine to complete each 5250 data entry screen. For a data entry screen containing a subfile, you might define a routine to complete each subfile record or line.
Note: Your Processing Sequence may mix the use of aXes terminal operations script routines, executed using the TS_EXECUTE activity, with direct aXes terminal server operations using other activities such as TS_SEND and TS_SETBYNAME. You do not have to script all of your aXes terminal server operations.
For more information refer to the following:
5.6.1 aXes Terminal Operations Scripts Definition
5.6.3 aXes Terminal Operations Scripts Example