Create the Exposed Computation

Oracle Insurance Rules Palette

You are here: Admin Explorer > Exposed Computation > Create the Exposed Computation


Create Exposed Computation

Once the ExposedComputation business rule is created, the next step is to create an exposed computation. The exposed computation will associate a ComputationID with the business rule that was created. The ComputationID is the value that the external application will send when requesting information from OIPA.  


Steps to Create a New Exposed Computation

  1. Select Admin Explorer.

  2. Open the Administration folder.

  3. Right-click on Exposed Computation and select New Exposed Computation.


New Explosed Computation

Exposed Computation Wizard


  1. Enter a Computation ID. It is a good practice to begin the Computation IDs with EXP- and the abbreviation of the activity it is associated with. For example, EXP-AUT is the Computation ID for the exposed computation that returns the errors generated by the AutoAssessment activity on a given policy.  

  2. Select the name of the new global business rule that was just created from the drop down box for RuleName.

  3. Select Finish.

  4. Check-in the new exposed computation.


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