Check-out and Check-in Rules

Oracle Insurance Rules Palette

You are here: Configuration > Business Rules > Check-out and Check-in Rules


Check-out and Check-in Rules

If a rule is available for check-out, it will be listed in black. Right-click on a rule’s XML file and select Check-out.   Work with the rule as needed.  


Check-out option on right-click menu

Rule Right-Click Check-out Option


Once a rule is checked out, it will be listed in orange. After the rule has been configured as needed, right-click on the XML file and select Check in. Any changes will be saved to the database and the rule will again be listed in black.  


Check-in option on right-click menu

Rule Right-Click Check-in Option


Note: If configuration changes were made to a rule, but then need to be disgarded, select Revert Modifications from the right-click menu.


Rule Color Scheme

Rules are displayed in various colors. The following list contains an explanation of the colors used for rule display in the Rules Palette.  


  • Orange: Rule is checked out by the user. 

  • Black: Rule is available for check-out. 

  • Gray: Rule is checked out by someone other than the user. 

  • Blue: Rule is new and has not yet been saved to the database. 


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