Step 2 Snap in your Command Handler

Visual LANSA

Step 2. Snap in your Command Handler

Now that you have compiled your new reusable component (that is, your Command Handler) and are ready to test it you need to snap it into the Framework.

1.  Switch to the Framework.

2.  Select the iii HR application and display the properties of the Employees object by double-clicking it.

3.  On the resulting properties dialog, click the Commands Enabled tab.

4.  Select the Details command.

5.  Select the Component option in the Windows group box.

     Click the Search button and use the Find dialog to locate your command handler. Select the component and click OK to select it and return the Identifier to the framework. Components must be snapped into the framework using Identifier not Long Name.

6.  Close Employee properties dialog.

a.  Select the iii HR application and the Employees business object.

b.  Click the Search button to populate the instance list.

c.  Select one item in the instance list to display the instance commands.

7.  Your command handler for Details is now snapped into the Framework and is usable.

8.  Try making a change to the details of an employee and saving it.