Step 8 Display Error Log

Visual LANSA

Step 8. Display Error Log

VED010 - Format Source Code

In this step you will cause a fatal error to occur and the view the error log.  The error log is associated with run-time errors.

1.  On the Favorites / Last Opened tab, select iiiSettingsDialog and use the context menu to Execute the form. In the Execute dialog, select Form as Windows Application.

2.    A fatal error is displayed.

3.  Close the Fatal Error message box (Click OK) and Cancel the Message window.

4.  On the Home ribbon, open the Error Logs menu to select Local.

     to view the Visual LANSA Error Log:

     The toolbar buttons enable the error log to be refreshed, opened in Notepad or cleared.

     This error occurs simply because the iiiSettingsDialog form is not compiled.

5.  Close the Error log window.