FRM065 Using List Components

Visual LANSA

FRM065 - Using List Components


  • To create a small application, which searches the employee file by name, by start date or by department code.
  • To learn how to use the tab folder to display employee details and holidays.
  • To show more examples using the SELECT command.

To achieve these objectives you must complete the following:

Step 1. Create Form – Using Lists

Step 2. Make Radio Buttons Show and Hide Fields

Step 3. Add Search Logic

Step 4. Add Tab Folder and Tab Sheets to the Form

Step 5. Populate the Tab Sheets


Before You Begin

You should complete all preceding exercises.

You must also have completed the Repository exercise, REP005 and REP010.

Important Note:

This exercise uses the files iiiEmployees, iiiDepartments and iiiEmpHolidays which you created in repository exercise REP005 and REP010.