Step 3 Create an Employee Salary Change Form

Visual LANSA

Step 3. Create an Employee Salary Change Form

FRM105 - A Trigger Function

In this step you will create a simple employee maintenance form for file PSLMST based on a template.

As noted earlier, an ideal solution for this application would be a 'Salary Change' WAM. The email message could be generated including the employee number (EMPNO) in the URL to be passed into the WAM when it runs from a link in the email message.

1.  Create a new form iiiCOM18 – Employee Maintenance. The form should be RDMLX enabled.

2.  In the Source editor, delete the default code and run a template from the Template button on the Design ribbon. Select the template VL_BASEMNT and complete the template based on the following:

Supply a word which that describes WHAT this data entry program works with


Enter the name of the PHYSICAL file to be used by this template


How do you want to display the fields? Select from the types listed below


Select fields



     Adjust the size of the form. Your form should look like the following:

3.  Compile your form.