FRM075 Using a Working List

Visual LANSA

FRM075 - Using a Working List


  • To learn how to locate, update and delete entries from a list.
  • To introduce the SELECTLIST / ENDSELECT commands for processing lists.
  • To show how working lists can be used with the list view.
  • To create an application that allows the user to select multiple records from a list to calculate total salaries.

  • When the user selects items in the list, the total salary number will be updated.
  • To show how 'selected items' in a list component can be selected.
  • A working list in the program will also be updated with the selected items.
  • When the Calc. Total Salary button is pressed, the salary is calculated using the working list. This value matches the total salary. Also, the total items in the working list is displayed.
  • To use the TRANSFORM_FILE Built in Function to create a CSV file from the working list.

To achieve these objectives you must complete the following:

Step 1. Select Multiple Entries

Step 2. Use a SELECTLIST Command

Step 3. Build a Working List

Step 4. Create a CSV File


Before You Begin

Complete all preceding exercises.