Firelight Technologies FMOD Studio API
Sets the orientation of the sound projection cone.
C++ Syntax
FMOD_RESULT ChannelGroup::set3DConeOrientation(
FMOD_VECTOR *orientation
C Syntax
FMOD_RESULT FMOD_ChannelGroup_Set3DConeOrientation(
FMOD_CHANNELGROUP *channelgroup,
FMOD_VECTOR *orientation
C# Syntax
RESULT ChannelGroup.set3DConeOrientation(
ref VECTOR orientation
JavaScript Syntax
- orientation
- Coordinates of the sound cone orientation vector, the vector information represents the center of the sound cone.
Return Values
If the function succeeds then the return value is FMOD_OK.
If the function fails then the return value will be one of the values defined in the FMOD_RESULT enumeration.
This function has no effect unless the cone angle and cone outside volume have also been set to values other than the default.
See Also
- ChannelControl::get3DConeOrientation
- ChannelControl::set3DConeSettings
- Sound::set3DConeSettings
Version 1.10.03 Built on Feb 1, 2018