NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: Class List


Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
physx::PxBaseTaskBase class of all task types
physx::PxCpuDispatcherA CpuDispatcher is responsible for scheduling the execution of tasks passed to it by the SDK
physx::PxGpuDispatcherA GpuTask dispatcher
physx::PxGpuTaskPxTask implementation for launching CUDA work
physx::PxGpuTaskHintDefine the 'flavor' of a PxGpuTask
physx::PxLightCpuTaskA PxBaseTask implementation with immediate execution and simple dependencies
physx::PxProfilerCallbackThe pure virtual callback interface for general purpose instrumentation and profiling of GameWorks modules as well as applications
physx::PxTaskA PxBaseTask implementation with deferred execution and full dependencies
physx::PxTaskManagerThe PxTaskManager interface
physx::PxTaskTypeIdentifies the type of each heavyweight PxTask object
Px1DConstraintA constraint
Px1DConstraintFlagConstraint row flags
PxActiveTransformData struct for use with Active Transform Notification. Used with PxScene::getActiveTransforms()
PxActorPxActor is the base class for the main simulation objects in the physics SDK
PxActorClientBehaviorFlagMulticlient behavior bit flags for actors
PxActorFlagFlags which control the behavior of an actor
PxActorShapeCollection of set bits defined in PxHitFlag
PxActorTypeIdentifies each type of actor
PxActorTypeFlagIdentifies each type of actor for retrieving actors from a scene
PxAggregateClass to aggregate actors into a single broad-phase entry
PxAllocatorCallbackAbstract base class for an application defined memory allocator that can be used by the Nv library
PxArticulationTree structure of bodies connected by joints that is treated as a unit by the dynamics solver
PxArticulationDriveCacheArticulation drive cache
PxArticulationJointJoint between two links in an articulation
PxArticulationJointDriveTypeThe type of joint drive to use for the articulation joint
PxArticulationLinkComponent of an articulation that represents a rigid body
PxBaseBase class for objects that can be members of a PxCollection
PxBaseFlagFlags for PxBase
PxBatchQueryBatched queries object. This is used to perform several queries at the same time
PxBatchQueryDescDescriptor class for PxBatchQuery
PxBatchQueryMemoryStruct for PxBatchQuery memory pointers
PxBatchQueryResult< HitType >Generic struct for receiving results of single query in a batch. Gets templated on hit type PxRaycastHit, PxSweepHit or PxOverlapHit
PxBatchQueryStatusBatched query status
PxBinaryConverterBinary converter for serialized streams
PxBitAndDataT< storageType, bitMask >
PxBounds3Class representing 3D range or axis aligned bounding box
PxBoxControllerBox character controller
PxBoxControllerDescDescriptor for a box character controller
PxBoxGeometryClass representing the geometry of a box
PxBoxObstacleA box obstacle
PxBroadPhaseCallbackBroad-phase callback to receive broad-phase related events
PxBroadPhaseCapsCaps class for broad phase
PxBroadPhaseRegion"Region of interest" for the broad-phase
PxBroadPhaseRegionInfoInformation & stats structure for a region
PxBroadPhaseTypeBroad phase algorithm used in the simulation
PxBVH33MidphaseDescStructure describing parameters affecting BVH33 midphase mesh structure
PxBVH33TriangleMeshA triangle mesh containing the PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH33 structure
PxBVH34MidphaseDescStructure describing parameters affecting BVH34 midphase mesh structure
PxBVH34TriangleMeshA triangle mesh containing the PxMeshMidPhase::eBVH34 structure
PxCapsuleControllerA capsule character controller
PxCapsuleControllerDescA descriptor for a capsule character controller
PxCapsuleGeometryClass representing the geometry of a capsule
PxCapsuleObstacleA capsule obstacle
PxCCDContactModifyCallbackAn interface class that the user can implement in order to modify CCD contact constraints
PxClientBehaviorFlagBehavior bit flags for simulation clients
PxClothSet of connected particles tailored towards simulating character cloth
PxClothCollisionPlanePlane representation used for cloth-convex collision
PxClothCollisionSphereSphere representation used for cloth-sphere and cloth-capsule collision
PxClothCollisionTriangleTriangle representation used for cloth-mesh collision
PxClothFabricA cloth fabric is a structure that contains all the internal solver constraints of a cloth mesh
PxClothFabricDescReferences all the data required to create a fabric
PxClothFabricPhaseReferences a set of constraints that can be solved in parallel
PxClothFabricPhaseTypeDescribe type of phase in cloth fabric
PxClothFlagFlag for behaviors of the cloth solver
PxClothMeshDescDescriptor class for a cloth mesh
PxClothMotionConstraintConfigSolver configuration parameters for the tether phases
PxClothParticlePer particle data for cloth
PxClothParticleMotionConstraintConstraints for cloth particle motion
PxClothParticleSeparationConstraintSeparation constraints for cloth particle movement
PxClothStretchConfigSolver configuration parameters for the vertical and horizontal stretch phase types
PxClothTetherConfigSolver configuration parameters for the tether phases
PxCollectionCollection class for serialization
PxCombineModeEnumeration that determines the way in which two material properties will be combined to yield a friction or restitution coefficient for a collision
PxConcreteTypeEnumeration of concrete classes inheriting from PxBase
PxConstraintA plugin class for implementing constraints
PxConstraintConnectorThis class connects a custom constraint to the SDK
PxConstraintExtIDsUnique identifiers for extensions classes which implement a constraint based on PxConstraint
PxConstraintFlagTable of function pointers for a constraint
PxConstraintInfoDescriptor for a broken constraint
PxConstraintSolveHintConstraint type hints which the solver uses to optimize constraint handling
PxConstraintVisualizationFlagFlags for determining which components of the constraint should be visualized
PxContactContact point data including face (feature) indices
PxContactModifyCallbackAn interface class that the user can implement in order to modify contact constraints
PxContactModifyPairAn array of instances of this class is passed to PxContactModifyCallback::onContactModify()
PxContactPairContact report pair information
PxContactPairExtraDataItemBase class for items in the extra data stream of contact pairs
PxContactPairExtraDataIteratorA class to iterate over a contact pair extra data stream
PxContactPairExtraDataTypeExtra data item types for contact pairs
PxContactPairFlagCollection of flags providing information on contact report pairs
PxContactPairHeaderAn Instance of this class is passed to PxSimulationEventCallback.onContact()
PxContactPairHeaderFlagCollection of flags providing information on contact report pairs
PxContactPairIndexMarker for the beginning of a new item set in the extra data stream
PxContactPairPointA contact point as used by contact notification
PxContactPairPoseWorld space actor poses of the contact pair rigid bodies
PxContactPairVelocityVelocities of the contact pair rigid bodies
PxContactPatchHeader for contact patch where all points share same material and normal
PxContactRecorderCallback class to record contact points produced by immediate::PxGenerateContacts
PxContactSetAn array of contact points, as passed to contact modification
PxContactStreamIteratorA class to iterate over a compressed contact stream. This supports read-only access to the various contact formats
PxControllerBase class for character controllers
PxControllerBehaviorCallbackUser behavior callback
PxControllerBehaviorFlagController behavior
PxControllerCollisionFlagWhich sides a character is colliding with
PxControllerDebugRenderFlagDebug-rendering flags
PxControllerDescDescriptor class for a character controller
PxControllerFilterCallbackDedicated filtering callback for CCT vs CCT
PxControllerFiltersFiltering data for "move" call
PxControllerHitDescribes a generic CCT hit
PxControllerManagerManages an array of character controllers
PxControllerNonWalkableModeHow a CCT interacts with non-walkable parts
PxControllerObstacleHitDescribes a hit between a CCT and a user-defined obstacle. Passed to onObstacleHit()
PxControllerShapeHitDescribes a hit between a CCT and a shape. Passed to onShapeHit()
PxControllerShapeTypeThe type of controller, eg box, sphere or capsule
PxControllersHitDescribes a hit between a CCT and another CCT. Passed to onControllerHit()
PxControllerStateDescribes a controller's internal state
PxControllerStatsDescribes a controller's internal statistics
PxConvexFlagFlags which describe the format and behavior of a convex mesh
PxConvexMeshA convex mesh
PxConvexMeshCookingResultResult from convex cooking
PxConvexMeshCookingTypeEnumeration for convex mesh cooking algorithms
PxConvexMeshDescDescriptor class for PxConvexMesh
PxConvexMeshGeometryConvex mesh geometry class
PxConvexMeshGeometryFlagFlags controlling the simulated behavior of the convex mesh geometry
PxCookingParamsStructure describing parameters affecting mesh cooking
PxD6AxisUsed to specify one of the degrees of freedom of a D6 joint
PxD6DriveUsed to specify which axes of a D6 joint are driven
PxD6JointA D6 joint is a general constraint between two actors
PxD6JointDriveParameters for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint
PxD6JointDriveFlagFlags for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint
PxD6MotionUsed to specify the range of motions allowed for a degree of freedom in a D6 joint
PxDebugColorDefault color values used for debug rendering
PxDebugLineUsed to store a single line and colour for debug rendering
PxDebugPointUsed to store a single point and colour for debug rendering
PxDebugTextUsed to store a text for debug rendering. Doesn't own 'string' array
PxDebugTriangleUsed to store a single triangle and colour for debug rendering
PxDefaultAllocatorDefault implementation of the allocator interface required by the SDK
PxDefaultCpuDispatcherA default implementation for a CPU task dispatcher
PxDefaultErrorCallbackDefault implementation of the error callback
PxDefaultFileInputDataDefault implementation of a file read stream
PxDefaultFileOutputStreamDefault implementation of a file write stream
PxDefaultMemoryInputDataDefault implementation of a memory read stream
PxDefaultMemoryOutputStreamDefault implementation of a memory write stream
PxDeletionEventFlagFlags specifying deletion event types
PxDeletionListenerInterface to get notification on object deletion
PxDeserializationContextBinary deserialization context class
PxDistanceJointJoint that maintains an upper or lower bound (or both) on the distance between two points on different objects
PxDistanceJointFlagFlags for configuring the drive of a PxDistanceJoint
PxDominanceGroupPairExpresses the dominance relationship of a contact. For the time being only three settings are permitted:
PxErrorCallbackUser defined interface class. Used by the library to emit debug information
PxErrorCodeError codes
PxFileBufCallback class for data serialization
PxFilterDataPxFilterData is user-definable data which gets passed into the collision filtering shader and/or callback
PxFilterFlagCollection of flags describing the filter actions to take for a collision pair
PxFilterObjectTypeIdentifies each type of filter object
PxFilterOpCollision filtering operations
PxFixedJointA fixed joint permits no relative movement between two bodies. ie the bodies are glued together
PxFixedSizeLookupTable< NB_ELEMENTS >
PxFlags< enumtype, storagetype >Container for bitfield flag variables associated with a specific enum type
PxForceModeParameter to addForce() and addTorque() calls, determines the exact operation that is carried out
PxFoundationFoundation SDK singleton class
PxFrictionTypeEnum for selecting the friction algorithm used for simulation
PxgDynamicsMemoryConfigSizes of pre-allocated buffers use for GPU dynamics
PxGeometryA geometry object
PxGeometryHolderGeometry holder class
PxGeometryQueryCollection of geometry object queries (sweeps, raycasts, overlaps, ...)
PxGeometryTypeA geometry type
PxGroupsMask64-bit mask used for collision filtering
PxHeightFieldA height field class
PxHeightFieldDescDescriptor class for PxHeightField
PxHeightFieldFlagEnum with flag values to be used in PxHeightFieldDesc.flags
PxHeightFieldFormatDescribes the format of height field samples
PxHeightFieldGeometryHeight field geometry class
PxHeightFieldMaterialSpecial material index values for height field samples
PxHeightFieldSampleHeightfield sample format
PxHeightFieldTessFlagDetermines the tessellation of height field cells
PxHitBuffer< HitType >Returns scene query hits (intersections) to the user in a preallocated buffer
PxHitCallback< HitType >This callback class facilitates reporting scene query hits (intersections) to the user
PxHitFlagScene query and geometry query behavior flags
PxHullPolygonPolygon data
PxInputDataInput data class for I/O which provides random read access
PxInputStreamInput stream class for I/O
PxJointBase interface providing common functionality for PhysX joints
PxJointActorIndexEnumeration for specifying one or other of the actors referenced by a joint
PxJointConcreteTypeEnumeration of PhysX' built-in joint types
PxJointLimitConeDescribes an elliptical conical joint limit. Note that very small or highly elliptical limit cones may result in jitter
PxJointLimitParametersDescribes the parameters for a joint limit
PxJointLinearLimitDescribes a one-sided linear limit
PxJointLinearLimitPairDescribes a two-sided limit
PxLocationHitScene query hit information for raycasts and sweeps returning hit position and normal information
PxLockedDataParent class for bulk data that is shared between the SDK and the application
PxMassPropertiesUtility class to compute and manipulate mass and inertia tensor properties
PxMat333x3 matrix class
PxMat444x4 matrix class
PxMaterialMaterial class to represent a set of surface properties
PxMaterialFlagFlags which control the behavior of a material
PxMeshCookingHintEnumeration for mesh cooking hints
PxMeshFlagEnum with flag values to be used in PxSimpleTriangleMesh::flags
PxMeshGeometryFlagFlags controlling the simulated behavior of the triangle mesh geometry
PxMeshMidPhaseMesh midphase structure. This enum is used to select the desired acceleration structure for midphase queries (i.e. raycasts, overlaps, sweeps vs triangle meshes)
PxMeshOverlapUtilUtility class to find mesh triangles touched by a specified geometry object
PxMeshPreprocessingFlagEnum for the set of mesh pre-processing parameters
PxMeshScaleA class expressing a nonuniform scaling transformation
PxMetaDataEntryStruct to store meta data definitions
PxMetaDataFlagFlags used to configure binary meta data entries, typically set through PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA defines
PxMidphaseDescStructure describing parameters affecting midphase mesh structure
PxModifiableContactA modifiable contact point. This has additional fields per-contact to permit modification by user
PxObstacleBase class for obstacles
PxObstacleContextContext class for obstacles
PxOutputStreamOutput stream class for I/O
PxOverlapBufferN< N >Returns touching overlap hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class
PxOverlapHitStores results of overlap queries
PxPadding< TNumBytes >
PxPairFlagCollection of flags describing the actions to take for a collision pair
PxParticleBaseThe particle base class represents the shared module for particle based simulation. This class can't be instantiated. (deprecated)
PxParticleBaseFlagParticleBase flags (deprecated)
PxParticleCreationDataDescriptor-like user-side class describing buffers for particle creation. (deprecated)
PxParticleExtExtensions for the partice feature (deprecated)
PxParticleExt::PxParticleExt::IndexPoolClass to manage particle indices. Extension particle index management can be useful if no application side particle index allocation functionality is available. An PxParticleExt::IndexPool instance is meant to be used for one PxParticleSystem/PxParticleFluid instance. The instance can be created with PxParticleExt::createIndexPool()
PxParticleFluidThe particle fluid class represents the main module for particle based fluid simulation. (deprecated) SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) is used to animate the particles. This class inherits the properties of the PxParticleBase class and adds particle-particle interactions
PxParticleFluidReadDataData layout descriptor for reading fluid particle data from the SDK. (deprecated)
PxParticleReadDataData layout descriptor for reading particle data from the SDK. (deprecated)
PxParticleSystemThe particle system class represents the main module for particle based simulation. (deprecated)
PxPhysicsAbstract singleton factory class used for instancing objects in the Physics SDK
PxPhysicsInsertionCallbackCallback interface that permits PxCooking to insert a TriangleMesh, HeightfieldMesh or ConvexMesh directly into PxPhysics without the need to store the cooking results into a stream
PxPlaneRepresentation of a plane
PxPlaneGeometryClass describing a plane geometry
PxPrismaticJointA prismatic joint permits relative translational movement between two bodies along an axis, but no relative rotational movement
PxPrismaticJointFlagFlags specific to the prismatic joint
PxProcessPxBaseCallbackCallback class used to process PxBase objects
PxPruningStructureA precomputed pruning structure to accelerate scene queries against newly added actors
PxPruningStructureTypePruning structure used to accelerate scene queries
PxPvdPxPvd is the top-level class for the PVD framework, and the main customer interface for PVD configuration.It is a singleton class, instantiated and owned by the application
PxPvdInstrumentationFlagTypes of instrumentation that PVD can do
PxPvdSceneClientSpecial client for PxScene. It provides access to the PxPvdSceneFlag. It also provides simple user debug services that associated scene position such as immediate rendering and camera updates
PxPvdSceneFlagPVD scene Flags. They are disabled by default, and only works if PxPvdInstrumentationFlag::eDEBUG is set
PxPvdTransportPxPvdTransport is an interface representing the data transport mechanism. This class defines all services associated with the transport: configuration, connection, reading, writing etc. It is owned by the application, and can be realized as a file or a socket (using one-line PxDefault<...> methods in PhysXExtensions) or in a custom implementation. This is a class that is intended for use by PVD, not by the application, the application entry points are PxPvd and PvdClient
PxQuatThis is a quaternion class. For more information on quaternion mathematics consult a mathematics source on complex numbers
PxQueryCacheSingle hit cache for scene queries
PxQueryFilterCallbackScene query filtering callbacks
PxQueryFilterDataScene query filtering data
PxQueryFlagFiltering flags for scene queries
PxQueryHitScene query hit information
PxQueryHitTypeClassification of scene query hits (intersections)
PxRaycastBufferN< N >Returns touching raycast hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class
PxRaycastHitStores results of raycast queries
PxRenderBufferInterface for points, lines, triangles, and text buffer
PxRepXInstantiationArgsArguments required to instantiate a serializable object from RepX
PxRepXObjectHelper class containing the mapping of id to object, and type name
PxRepXSerializerSerializer interface for RepX (Xml) serialization
PxRevoluteJointA joint which behaves in a similar way to a hinge or axle
PxRevoluteJointFlagFlags specific to the Revolute Joint
PxRigidActorPxRigidActor represents a base class shared between dynamic and static rigid bodies in the physics SDK
PxRigidActorExtUtility functions for use with PxRigidActor and subclasses
PxRigidBodyPxRigidBody is a base class shared between dynamic rigid body objects
PxRigidBodyDataStructure to store rigid body properties
PxRigidBodyExtUtility functions for use with PxRigidBody and subclasses
PxRigidBodyFlagCollection of flags describing the behavior of a rigid body
PxRigidDynamicPxRigidDynamic represents a dynamic rigid simulation object in the physics SDK
PxRigidDynamicLockFlagCollection of flags providing a mechanism to lock motion along/around a specific axis
PxRigidStaticPxRigidStatic represents a static rigid body simulation object in the physics SDK
PxSceneA scene is a collection of bodies, particle systems and constraints which can interact
PxSceneDescDescriptor class for scenes. See PxScene
PxSceneFlagFlags for configuring properties of the scene
PxSceneLimitsClass used to retrieve limits(e.g. maximum number of bodies) for a scene. The limits are used as a hint to the size of the scene, not as a hard limit (i.e. it will be possible to create more objects than specified in the scene limits)
PxSceneQueryExtUtility functions for use with PxScene, related to scene queries
PxSceneReadLockRAII wrapper for the PxScene read lock
PxSceneWriteLockRAII wrapper for the PxScene write lock
PxSerializationUtility functions for serialization
PxSerialization::PxSerialization::PxXmlMiscParameterAdditional PxScene and PxPhysics options stored in XML serialized data
PxSerializationContextBinary serialization context class
PxSerializationRegistryClass serving as a registry for XML (RepX) and binary serializable types
PxSerializerSerialization interface class
PxSerializerDefaultAdapter< T >Default PxSerializer implementation
PxShapeAbstract class for collision shapes
PxShapeExtUtility functions for use with PxShape
PxShapeFlagFlags which affect the behavior of PxShapes
PxSimpleTriangleMeshA structure describing a triangle mesh
PxSimulationEventCallbackAn interface class that the user can implement in order to receive simulation events
PxSimulationFilterCallbackFilter callback to specify handling of collision pairs
PxSimulationStatisticsClass used to retrieve statistics for a simulation step
PxSpatialIndexDirect access to PhysX' Spatial Query engine
PxSpatialLocationCallbackCallback class for raycast and sweep queries against PxSpatialIndex
PxSpatialOverlapCallbackCallback class for overlap queries against PxSpatialIndex
PxSphereGeometryA class representing the geometry of a sphere
PxSphericalJointA joint which behaves in a similar way to a ball and socket
PxSphericalJointFlagFlags specific to the spherical joint
PxStrideIterator< T >Iterator class for iterating over arrays of data that may be interleaved with other data
PxStringTableTable to manage strings. Strings allocated through this object are expected to be owned by this object
PxStringTableExtFactory class for creating PxStringTable with a specific allocator
PxSweepBufferN< N >Returns touching sweep hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class
PxSweepHitStores results of sweep queries
PxTolerancesScaleClass to define the scale at which simulation runs. Most simulation tolerances are calculated in terms of the values here
PxTransformClass representing a rigid euclidean transform as a quaternion and a vector
PxTriangleTriangle class
PxTriangleMeshA triangle mesh, also called a 'polygon soup'
PxTriangleMeshCookingResultResult from triangle mesh cooking
PxTriangleMeshDescDescriptor class for PxTriangleMesh
PxTriangleMeshFlagFlags for the mesh geometry properties
PxTriangleMeshGeometryTriangle mesh geometry class
PxTriggerPairDescriptor for a trigger pair
PxTriggerPairFlagCollection of flags providing information on trigger report pairs
PxTypedStridedData< TDataType >
PxTypeInfo< T >Structure containing per-type information for types inheriting from PxBase
PxUserControllerHitReportUser callback class for character controller events
PxVec22 Element vector class
PxVec33 Element vector class
PxVec44 Element vector class
PxVehicleClutchAccuracyModeChoose between a potentially more expensive but more accurate solution to the clutch model or a potentially cheaper but less accurate solution
PxVehicleConcreteTypeAn enumeration of concrete vehicle classes inheriting from PxBase
PxVehicleConcurrentUpdateDataStructure containing data that is computed for a vehicle and its wheels during concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates but which cannot be safely concurrently applied
PxVehicleCopyDynamicsMapUsed by PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData
PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairsFriction for each combination of driving surface type and tire type
PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceTypeDriving surface type. Each PxMaterial is associated with a corresponding PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceType
PxVehicleDriveA complete vehicle with instance dynamics data and configuration data for wheels and engine,clutch,gears,autobox
PxVehicleDrive4WData structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with up to 4 driven wheels and up to 16 non-driven wheels
PxVehicleDrive4WControlThe control inputs for a PxVehicleDrive4W
PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputDataUsed to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from analog and digital inputs
PxVehicleDrive4WWheelOrderThe ordering of the driven and steered wheels of a PxVehicleDrive4W
PxVehicleDriveDynDataData structure with instanced dynamics data for vehicle with engine, clutch, gears, autobox
PxVehicleDriveNWData structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with up to PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS driven wheels
PxVehicleDriveNWControlThe control inputs for a PxVehicleDriveNW
PxVehicleDriveNWRawInputDataUsed to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from analog and digital inputs
PxVehicleDriveSimDataData structure describing non-wheel configuration data of a vehicle that has engine, gears, clutch, and auto-box
PxVehicleDriveSimData4WData structure describing the drive model components of a vehicle with up to 4 driven wheels and up to 16 un-driven wheels. The drive model incorporates engine, clutch, gears, autobox, differential, and Ackermann steer correction
PxVehicleDriveSimDataNWData structure describing configuration data of a vehicle with up to PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS driven equally through the differential. The vehicle has an engine, clutch, gears, autobox, differential
PxVehicleDriveTankData structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a tank
PxVehicleDriveTankControlThe control inputs for a PxVehicleDriveTank
PxVehicleDriveTankControlModelTwo driving models are supported
PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputDataUsed to produce smooth analog tank control values from analog and digital inputs
PxVehicleDriveTankWheelOrderThe ordering of the wheels of a PxVehicleDriveTank
PxVehicleKeySmoothingDataUsed to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from key inputs
PxVehicleNoDriveData structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with no drive model
PxVehiclePadSmoothingDataUsed to produce smooth analog vehicle control values from analog inputs
PxVehicleTireLoadFilterDataTire load variation can be strongly dependent on the time-step so it is a good idea to filter it to give less jerky handling behavior
PxVehicleWheelConcurrentUpdateDataStructure containing data that is computed for a wheel during concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates but which cannot be safely concurrently applied
PxVehicleWheelsData structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with just wheels
PxVehicleWheelsDynDataData structure with instanced dynamics data for wheels
PxVehicleWheelsSimDataData structure describing configuration data of a vehicle with up to 20 wheels
PxVisualizationParameterDebug visualization parameters
PxVolumeCacheVolumetric cache for local collision geometry
PxVolumeCache::PxVolumeCache::IteratorA callback wrapper class for use with PxVolumeCache::forEach function
PxWheelQueryResultStructure containing data describing the non-persistent state of each suspension/wheel/tire unit. This structure is filled out in PxVehicleUpdates and PxVehicleUpdateSingleVehicleAndStoreTelemetryData
RaycastCCDManagerRaycast-CCD manager

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