NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: PxActorFlag Struct Reference


PxActorFlag Struct Reference

Flags which control the behavior of an actor. More...

#include <PxActor.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Enum {
  eVISUALIZATION = (1<<0),
  eDISABLE_GRAVITY = (1<<1),

Detailed Description

Flags which control the behavior of an actor.

See also:
PxActorFlags PxActor PxActor.setActorFlag() PxActor.getActorFlags()

Member Enumeration Documentation

eVISUALIZATION  Enable debug renderer for this actor.

See also:
PxScene.getRenderBuffer() PxRenderBuffer PxVisualizationParameter

eDISABLE_GRAVITY  Disables scene gravity for this actor.
eSEND_SLEEP_NOTIFIES  Enables the sending of PxSimulationEventCallback::onWake() and PxSimulationEventCallback::onSleep() notify events.

See also:
PxSimulationEventCallback::onWake() PxSimulationEventCallback::onSleep()

eDISABLE_SIMULATION  Disables simulation for the actor.

This is only supported by PxRigidStatic and PxRigidDynamic actors and can be used to reduce the memory footprint when rigid actors are used for scene queries only.

Setting this flag will remove all constraints attached to the actor from the scene.

If this flag is set, the following calls are forbidden:

  • PxRigidBody: setLinearVelocity(), setAngularVelocity(), addForce(), addTorque(), clearForce(), clearTorque()
  • PxRigidDynamic: setKinematicTarget(), setWakeCounter(), wakeUp(), putToSleep()

Raising this flag will set all velocities and the wake counter to 0, clear all forces, clear the kinematic target, put the actor to sleep and wake up all touching actors from the previous frame.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

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