NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: PxVehicleEngineData Class Reference


PxVehicleEngineData Class Reference

#include <PxVehicleComponents.h>

Collaboration diagram for PxVehicleEngineData:

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 PxVehicleEngineData ()
PX_FORCE_INLINE PxReal getRecipMOI () const
 Return value of mRecipMOI(=1.0f/mMOI) that is automatically set by PxVehicleDriveSimData::setEngineData.
PX_FORCE_INLINE PxReal getRecipMaxOmega () const
 Return value of mRecipMaxOmega( = 1.0f / mMaxOmega ) that is automatically set by PxVehicleDriveSimData::setEngineData.
 PxVehicleEngineData (const PxEMPTY)

Public Attributes

 Graph of normalized torque (torque/mPeakTorque) against normalized engine speed ( engineRotationSpeed / mMaxOmega ).
PxReal mMOI
 Moment of inertia of the engine around the axis of rotation.
PxReal mPeakTorque
 Maximum torque available to apply to the engine when the accelerator pedal is at maximum.
PxReal mMaxOmega
 Maximum rotation speed of the engine.
PxReal mDampingRateFullThrottle
 Damping rate of engine when full throttle is applied.
PxReal mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged
 Damping rate of engine when full throttle is applied.
PxReal mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged
 Damping rate of engine when full throttle is applied.

Private Member Functions

bool isValid () const

Private Attributes

PxReal mRecipMOI
 Reciprocal of the engine moment of inertia.
PxReal mRecipMaxOmega
 Reciprocal of the maximum rotation speed of the engine.


class PxVehicleDriveSimData

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PxVehicleEngineData::PxVehicleEngineData (  )  [inline]

PxVehicleEngineData::PxVehicleEngineData ( const   PxEMPTY  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

PX_FORCE_INLINE PxReal PxVehicleEngineData::getRecipMaxOmega (  )  const [inline]

Return value of mRecipMaxOmega( = 1.0f / mMaxOmega ) that is automatically set by PxVehicleDriveSimData::setEngineData.

PX_FORCE_INLINE PxReal PxVehicleEngineData::getRecipMOI (  )  const [inline]

Return value of mRecipMOI(=1.0f/mMOI) that is automatically set by PxVehicleDriveSimData::setEngineData.

bool PxVehicleEngineData::isValid (  )  const [private]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class PxVehicleDriveSimData [friend]

Member Data Documentation

Damping rate of engine when full throttle is applied.

If the clutch is engaged (any gear except neutral) then the damping rate applied at run-time is an interpolation between mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged and mDampingRateFullThrottle: mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged + (mDampingRateFullThrottle-mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged)*acceleratorPedal;

If the clutch is disengaged (in neutral gear) the damping rate applied at run-time is an interpolation between mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged and mDampingRateFullThrottle: mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged + (mDampingRateFullThrottle-mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged)*acceleratorPedal;

Specified in kilograms metres-squared per second (kg m^2 s^-1).

Range: [0, PX_MAX_F32)

Damping rate of engine when full throttle is applied.

If the clutch is engaged (any gear except neutral) then the damping rate applied at run-time is an interpolation between mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged and mDampingRateFullThrottle: mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged + (mDampingRateFullThrottle-mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged)*acceleratorPedal;

If the clutch is disengaged (in neutral gear) the damping rate applied at run-time is an interpolation between mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged and mDampingRateFullThrottle: mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged + (mDampingRateFullThrottle-mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged)*acceleratorPedal;

Specified in kilograms metres-squared per second (kg m^2 s^-1).

Range: [0, PX_MAX_F32)

Damping rate of engine when full throttle is applied.

If the clutch is engaged (any gear except neutral) then the damping rate applied at run-time is an interpolation between mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged and mDampingRateFullThrottle: mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged + (mDampingRateFullThrottle-mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchEngaged)*acceleratorPedal;

If the clutch is disengaged (in neutral gear) the damping rate applied at run-time is an interpolation between mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged and mDampingRateFullThrottle: mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged + (mDampingRateFullThrottle-mDampingRateZeroThrottleClutchDisengaged)*acceleratorPedal;

Specified in kilograms metres-squared per second (kg m^2 s^-1).

Range: [0, PX_MAX_F32)

Maximum rotation speed of the engine.

Specified in radians per second (s^-1).
Range: [0, PX_MAX_F32)

Moment of inertia of the engine around the axis of rotation.

Specified in kilograms metres-squared (kg m^2)

Maximum torque available to apply to the engine when the accelerator pedal is at maximum.

The torque available is the value of the accelerator pedal (in range [0, 1]) multiplied by the normalized torque as computed from mTorqueCurve multiplied by mPeakTorque.

Specified in kilograms metres-squared per second-squared (kg m^2 s^-2).

Range: [0, PX_MAX_F32)

Reciprocal of the maximum rotation speed of the engine.

Not necessary to set this value because it is set by PxVehicleDriveSimData::setEngineData
Range: [0, PX_MAX_F32)

Reciprocal of the engine moment of inertia.

Not necessary to set this value because it is set by PxVehicleDriveSimData::setEngineData
Range: [0, PX_MAX_F32)

PxFixedSizeLookupTable<eMAX_NB_ENGINE_TORQUE_CURVE_ENTRIES> PxVehicleEngineData::mTorqueCurve

Graph of normalized torque (torque/mPeakTorque) against normalized engine speed ( engineRotationSpeed / mMaxOmega ).

The normalized engine speed is the x-axis of the graph, while the normalized torque is the y-axis of the graph.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

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