NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: PxMetaDataFlag Struct Reference


PxMetaDataFlag Struct Reference

Flags used to configure binary meta data entries, typically set through PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA defines. More...

#include <PxMetaDataFlags.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Enum {
  eCLASS = (1<<0),
  eVIRTUAL = (1<<1),
  eTYPEDEF = (1<<2),
  ePTR = (1<<3),
  eEXTRA_DATA = (1<<4),
  eEXTRA_ITEM = (1<<5),
  eEXTRA_ITEMS = (1<<6),
  eEXTRA_NAME = (1<<7),
  eUNION = (1<<8),
  ePADDING = (1<<9),
  eALIGNMENT = (1<<10),
  eCOUNT_MASK_MSB = (1<<11),
  eCOUNT_SKIP_IF_ONE = (1<<12),
  eCONTROL_FLIP = (1<<13),
  eCONTROL_MASK = (1<<14),
  eFORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff

Detailed Description

Flags used to configure binary meta data entries, typically set through PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA defines.

See also:

Member Enumeration Documentation

eCLASS  declares a class
eVIRTUAL  declares class to be virtual
eTYPEDEF  declares a typedef
ePTR  declares a pointer
eEXTRA_DATA  declares extra data exported with PxSerializer::exportExtraData
eEXTRA_ITEM  specifies one element of extra data
eEXTRA_ITEMS  specifies an array of extra data
eEXTRA_NAME  specifies a name of extra data
eUNION  declares a union
ePADDING  declares explicit padding data
eALIGNMENT  declares aligned data
eCOUNT_MASK_MSB  specifies that the count value's most significant bit needs to be masked out
eCOUNT_SKIP_IF_ONE  specifies that the count value is treated as zero for a variable value of one - special case for single triangle meshes
eCONTROL_FLIP  specifies that the control value is the negate of the variable value
eCONTROL_MASK  specifies that the control value is masked - mask bits are assumed to be within eCONTROL_MASK_RANGE
eCONTROL_MASK_RANGE  mask range allowed for eCONTROL_MASK

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