NVIDIA(R) PhysX(R) SDK 3.4 API Reference: PxSceneQueryExt Class Reference


PxSceneQueryExt Class Reference

utility functions for use with PxScene, related to scene queries. More...

#include <PxSceneQueryExt.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool raycastAny (const PxScene &scene, const PxVec3 &origin, const PxVec3 &unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxSceneQueryHit &hit, const PxSceneQueryFilterData &filterData=PxSceneQueryFilterData(), PxSceneQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL, const PxSceneQueryCache *cache=NULL, PX_DEPRECATED PxClientID queryClient=PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT)
 Raycast returning any blocking hit, not necessarily the closest.
static bool raycastSingle (const PxScene &scene, const PxVec3 &origin, const PxVec3 &unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxSceneQueryFlags outputFlags, PxRaycastHit &hit, const PxSceneQueryFilterData &filterData=PxSceneQueryFilterData(), PxSceneQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL, const PxSceneQueryCache *cache=NULL, PX_DEPRECATED PxClientID queryClient=PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT)
 Raycast returning a single result.
static PxI32 raycastMultiple (const PxScene &scene, const PxVec3 &origin, const PxVec3 &unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxSceneQueryFlags outputFlags, PxRaycastHit *hitBuffer, PxU32 hitBufferSize, bool &blockingHit, const PxSceneQueryFilterData &filterData=PxSceneQueryFilterData(), PxSceneQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL, const PxSceneQueryCache *cache=NULL, PX_DEPRECATED PxClientID queryClient=PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT)
 Raycast returning multiple results.
static bool sweepAny (const PxScene &scene, const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxTransform &pose, const PxVec3 &unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxSceneQueryFlags queryFlags, PxSceneQueryHit &hit, const PxSceneQueryFilterData &filterData=PxSceneQueryFilterData(), PxSceneQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL, const PxSceneQueryCache *cache=NULL, PX_DEPRECATED PxClientID queryClient=PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT, PxReal inflation=0.0f)
 Sweep returning any blocking hit, not necessarily the closest.
static bool sweepSingle (const PxScene &scene, const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxTransform &pose, const PxVec3 &unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxSceneQueryFlags outputFlags, PxSweepHit &hit, const PxSceneQueryFilterData &filterData=PxSceneQueryFilterData(), PxSceneQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL, const PxSceneQueryCache *cache=NULL, PX_DEPRECATED PxClientID queryClient=PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT, PxReal inflation=0.0f)
 Sweep returning a single result.
static PxI32 sweepMultiple (const PxScene &scene, const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxTransform &pose, const PxVec3 &unitDir, const PxReal distance, PxSceneQueryFlags outputFlags, PxSweepHit *hitBuffer, PxU32 hitBufferSize, bool &blockingHit, const PxSceneQueryFilterData &filterData=PxSceneQueryFilterData(), PxSceneQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL, const PxSceneQueryCache *cache=NULL, PX_DEPRECATED PxClientID queryClient=PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT, PxReal inflation=0.0f)
 Sweep returning multiple results.
static PxI32 overlapMultiple (const PxScene &scene, const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxTransform &pose, PxOverlapHit *hitBuffer, PxU32 hitBufferSize, const PxSceneQueryFilterData &filterData=PxSceneQueryFilterData(), PxSceneQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL, PX_DEPRECATED PxClientID queryClient=PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT)
 Test overlap between a geometry and objects in the scene.
static bool overlapAny (const PxScene &scene, const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxTransform &pose, PxOverlapHit &hit, const PxSceneQueryFilterData &filterData=PxSceneQueryFilterData(), PxSceneQueryFilterCallback *filterCall=NULL, PX_DEPRECATED PxClientID queryClient=PX_DEFAULT_CLIENT)
 Test returning, for a given geometry, any overlapping object in the scene.

Detailed Description

utility functions for use with PxScene, related to scene queries.

Some of these functions have been deprecated (removed) in PhysX 3.4. We re-implement them here for easy migration from 3.3 to 3.4.

See also:

Member Function Documentation

static bool PxSceneQueryExt::overlapAny ( const PxScene scene,
const PxGeometry geometry,
const PxTransform pose,
PxOverlapHit hit,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
PxSceneQueryFilterCallback filterCall = NULL,
) [static]

Test returning, for a given geometry, any overlapping object in the scene.

Filtering: Overlap tests do not distinguish between touching and blocking hit types. Both trigger a hit.

PxHitFlag::eMESH_MULTIPLE and PxHitFlag::eMESH_BOTH_SIDES have no effect in this case

[in] scene The scene
[in] geometry Geometry of object to check for overlap (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex).
[in] pose Pose of the object.
[out] hit Pointer to store the overlapping object to.
[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic.
[in] filterCall Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxHitFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to overlap.
[in] queryClient ID of the client doing the query
True if an overlap was found.
PxActorClientBehaviorFlag feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4
See also:
PxSceneQueryFlags PxSceneQueryFilterData PxSceneQueryFilterCallback

static PxI32 PxSceneQueryExt::overlapMultiple ( const PxScene scene,
const PxGeometry geometry,
const PxTransform pose,
PxOverlapHit hitBuffer,
PxU32  hitBufferSize,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
PxSceneQueryFilterCallback filterCall = NULL,
) [static]

Test overlap between a geometry and objects in the scene.

Filtering: Overlap tests do not distinguish between touching and blocking hit types. Both get written to the hit buffer.

PxHitFlag::eMESH_MULTIPLE and PxHitFlag::eMESH_BOTH_SIDES have no effect in this case

[in] scene The scene
[in] geometry Geometry of object to check for overlap (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex).
[in] pose Pose of the object.
[out] hitBuffer Buffer to store the overlapping objects to. If the buffer overflows, an arbitrary subset of overlapping objects is stored (typically the query should be restarted with a larger buffer).
[in] hitBufferSize Size of the hit buffer.
[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic.
[in] filterCall Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxHitFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to overlap.
[in] queryClient ID of the client doing the query
Number of hits in the buffer, or -1 if the buffer overflowed.
PxActorClientBehaviorFlag feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4
See also:
PxSceneQueryFlags PxSceneQueryFilterData PxSceneQueryFilterCallback

static bool PxSceneQueryExt::raycastAny ( const PxScene scene,
const PxVec3 origin,
const PxVec3 unitDir,
const PxReal  distance,
PxSceneQueryHit hit,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
PxSceneQueryFilterCallback filterCall = NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache cache = NULL,
) [static]

Raycast returning any blocking hit, not necessarily the closest.

Returns whether any rigid actor is hit along the ray.

Shooting a ray from within an object leads to different results depending on the shape type. Please check the details in article SceneQuery. User can ignore such objects by using one of the provided filter mechanisms.
[in] scene The scene
[in] origin Origin of the ray.
[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the ray.
[in] distance Length of the ray. Needs to be larger than 0.
[out] hit Raycast hit information.
[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic.
[in] filterCall Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxHitFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to be blocking.
[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first. If no hit is found the ray gets queried against the scene. Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit. Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
[in] queryClient ID of the client doing the query
True if a blocking hit was found.
PxActorClientBehaviorFlag feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4
See also:
PxSceneQueryFilterData PxSceneQueryFilterCallback PxSceneQueryCache PxSceneQueryHit

static PxI32 PxSceneQueryExt::raycastMultiple ( const PxScene scene,
const PxVec3 origin,
const PxVec3 unitDir,
const PxReal  distance,
PxSceneQueryFlags  outputFlags,
PxRaycastHit hitBuffer,
PxU32  hitBufferSize,
bool &  blockingHit,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
PxSceneQueryFilterCallback filterCall = NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache cache = NULL,
) [static]

Raycast returning multiple results.

Find all rigid actors that get hit along the ray. Each result contains data as specified by the outputFlags field.

Touching hits are not ordered.

Shooting a ray from within an object leads to different results depending on the shape type. Please check the details in article SceneQuery. User can ignore such objects by using one of the provided filter mechanisms.

[in] scene The scene
[in] origin Origin of the ray.
[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the ray.
[in] distance Length of the ray. Needs to be larger than 0.
[in] outputFlags Specifies which properties should be written to the hit information
[out] hitBuffer Raycast hit information buffer. If the buffer overflows, the blocking hit is returned as the last entry together with an arbitrary subset of the nearer touching hits (typically the query should be restarted with a larger buffer).
[in] hitBufferSize Size of the hit buffer.
[out] blockingHit True if a blocking hit was found. If found, it is the last in the buffer, preceded by any touching hits which are closer. Otherwise the touching hits are listed.
[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic.
[in] filterCall Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxHitFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to be touching.
[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first then against the scene. Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit. Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
[in] queryClient ID of the client doing the query
Number of hits in the buffer, or -1 if the buffer overflowed.
PxActorClientBehaviorFlag feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4
See also:
PxSceneQueryFlags PxRaycastHit PxSceneQueryFilterData PxSceneQueryFilterCallback PxSceneQueryCache

static bool PxSceneQueryExt::raycastSingle ( const PxScene scene,
const PxVec3 origin,
const PxVec3 unitDir,
const PxReal  distance,
PxSceneQueryFlags  outputFlags,
PxRaycastHit hit,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
PxSceneQueryFilterCallback filterCall = NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache cache = NULL,
) [static]

Raycast returning a single result.

Returns the first rigid actor that is hit along the ray. Data for a blocking hit will be returned as specified by the outputFlags field. Touching hits will be ignored.

Shooting a ray from within an object leads to different results depending on the shape type. Please check the details in article SceneQuery. User can ignore such objects by using one of the provided filter mechanisms.
[in] scene The scene
[in] origin Origin of the ray.
[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the ray.
[in] distance Length of the ray. Needs to be larger than 0.
[in] outputFlags Specifies which properties should be written to the hit information
[out] hit Raycast hit information.
[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic.
[in] filterCall Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxHitFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to be blocking.
[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Ray is tested against cached shape first then against the scene. Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit. Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
[in] queryClient ID of the client doing the query
True if a blocking hit was found.
PxActorClientBehaviorFlag feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4
See also:
PxSceneQueryFlags PxRaycastHit PxSceneQueryFilterData PxSceneQueryFilterCallback PxSceneQueryCache

static bool PxSceneQueryExt::sweepAny ( const PxScene scene,
const PxGeometry geometry,
const PxTransform pose,
const PxVec3 unitDir,
const PxReal  distance,
PxSceneQueryFlags  queryFlags,
PxSceneQueryHit hit,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
PxSceneQueryFilterCallback filterCall = NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache cache = NULL,
PxReal  inflation = 0.0f 
) [static]

Sweep returning any blocking hit, not necessarily the closest.

Returns whether any rigid actor is hit along the sweep path.

If a shape from the scene is already overlapping with the query shape in its starting position, behavior is controlled by the PxSceneQueryFlag::eINITIAL_OVERLAP flag.
[in] scene The scene
[in] geometry Geometry of object to sweep (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex).
[in] pose Pose of the sweep object.
[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the sweep.
[in] distance Sweep distance. Needs to be larger than 0. Will be clamped to PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE.
[in] queryFlags Combination of PxSceneQueryFlag defining the query behavior
[out] hit Sweep hit information.
[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic.
[in] filterCall Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxHitFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to be blocking.
[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Sweep is performed against cached shape first. If no hit is found the sweep gets queried against the scene. Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit. Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
[in] queryClient ID of the client doing the query
[in] inflation This parameter creates a skin around the swept geometry which increases its extents for sweeping. The sweep will register a hit as soon as the skin touches a shape, and will return the corresponding distance and normal.
True if a blocking hit was found.
PxActorClientBehaviorFlag feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4
See also:
PxSceneQueryFilterData PxSceneQueryFilterCallback PxSceneQueryHit PxSceneQueryCache

static PxI32 PxSceneQueryExt::sweepMultiple ( const PxScene scene,
const PxGeometry geometry,
const PxTransform pose,
const PxVec3 unitDir,
const PxReal  distance,
PxSceneQueryFlags  outputFlags,
PxSweepHit hitBuffer,
PxU32  hitBufferSize,
bool &  blockingHit,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
PxSceneQueryFilterCallback filterCall = NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache cache = NULL,
PxReal  inflation = 0.0f 
) [static]

Sweep returning multiple results.

Find all rigid actors that get hit along the sweep. Each result contains data as specified by the outputFlags field.

Touching hits are not ordered.

If a shape from the scene is already overlapping with the query shape in its starting position, behavior is controlled by the PxSceneQueryFlag::eINITIAL_OVERLAP flag.

[in] scene The scene
[in] geometry Geometry of object to sweep (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex).
[in] pose Pose of the sweep object.
[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the sweep.
[in] distance Sweep distance. Needs to be larger than 0. Will be clamped to PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE.
[in] outputFlags Specifies which properties should be written to the hit information.
[out] hitBuffer Sweep hit information buffer. If the buffer overflows, the blocking hit is returned as the last entry together with an arbitrary subset of the nearer touching hits (typically the query should be restarted with a larger buffer).
[in] hitBufferSize Size of the hit buffer.
[out] blockingHit True if a blocking hit was found. If found, it is the last in the buffer, preceded by any touching hits which are closer. Otherwise the touching hits are listed.
[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic.
[in] filterCall Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxHitFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to be touching.
[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Sweep is performed against cached shape first then against the scene. Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit. Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
[in] queryClient ID of the client doing the query
[in] inflation This parameter creates a skin around the swept geometry which increases its extents for sweeping. The sweep will register a hit as soon as the skin touches a shape, and will return the corresponding distance and normal.
Number of hits in the buffer, or -1 if the buffer overflowed.
PxActorClientBehaviorFlag feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4
See also:
PxSceneQueryFlags PxSweepHit PxSceneQueryFilterData PxSceneQueryFilterCallback PxSceneQueryCache

static bool PxSceneQueryExt::sweepSingle ( const PxScene scene,
const PxGeometry geometry,
const PxTransform pose,
const PxVec3 unitDir,
const PxReal  distance,
PxSceneQueryFlags  outputFlags,
PxSweepHit hit,
const PxSceneQueryFilterData filterData = PxSceneQueryFilterData(),
PxSceneQueryFilterCallback filterCall = NULL,
const PxSceneQueryCache cache = NULL,
PxReal  inflation = 0.0f 
) [static]

Sweep returning a single result.

Returns the first rigid actor that is hit along the ray. Data for a blocking hit will be returned as specified by the outputFlags field. Touching hits will be ignored.

If a shape from the scene is already overlapping with the query shape in its starting position, behavior is controlled by the PxSceneQueryFlag::eINITIAL_OVERLAP flag.
[in] scene The scene
[in] geometry Geometry of object to sweep (supported types are: box, sphere, capsule, convex).
[in] pose Pose of the sweep object.
[in] unitDir Normalized direction of the sweep.
[in] distance Sweep distance. Needs to be larger than 0. Will be clamped to PX_MAX_SWEEP_DISTANCE.
[in] outputFlags Specifies which properties should be written to the hit information.
[out] hit Sweep hit information.
[in] filterData Filtering data and simple logic.
[in] filterCall Custom filtering logic (optional). Only used if the corresponding PxHitFlag flags are set. If NULL, all hits are assumed to be blocking.
[in] cache Cached hit shape (optional). Sweep is performed against cached shape first then against the scene. Note: Filtering is not executed for a cached shape if supplied; instead, if a hit is found, it is assumed to be a blocking hit. Note: Using past touching hits as cache will produce incorrect behavior since the cached hit will always be treated as blocking.
[in] queryClient ID of the client doing the query
[in] inflation This parameter creates a skin around the swept geometry which increases its extents for sweeping. The sweep will register a hit as soon as the skin touches a shape, and will return the corresponding distance and normal.
True if a blocking hit was found.
PxActorClientBehaviorFlag feature has been deprecated in PhysX version 3.4
See also:
PxSceneQueryFlags PxSweepHit PxSceneQueryFilterData PxSceneQueryFilterCallback PxSceneQueryCache

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2008-2017 NVIDIA Corporation, 2701 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95050 U.S.A. All rights reserved. www.nvidia.com