Check Constraints Property Page

Microsoft Office Access 2003

Check Constraints Property Page

This property page contains a set of properties for check constraints attached to the tables in a Microsoft SQL Server database. Properties applying to unique constraints appear on the Indexes/Keys property page.

Table Name

Shows the name of the selected table in your diagram. If more than one table is selected in your diagram, only the name of the first table is visible.

Selected Constraint

Shows the name of the constraint whose properties you are viewing. To view the properties of a different constraint, select a constraint from the drop-down list.


Choose this button to create a new constraint for the selected database table. Enter properties for the constraint. For more information, see Attach a New Check Constraint to a Table or Column.


Choose this button to remove the selected constraint from the database. For more information, see Delete a Check Constraint.

Constraint name

Shows the name of the constraint whose properties you are viewing. Use this control to modify the name of the constraint. For more information, see Rename a Check Constraint.

Constraint expression

Shows the SQL syntax of the selected check constraint. For new constraints, you must enter the SQL syntax before exiting this box. You can also edit existing check constraints. For more information, see Define a Check Constraint Expression.

Validation Text

(SQL Server 2000 only.) Shows the text that is displayed to the user whenever a row that violates the constraint is entered.

Check existing data on creation

When selected, this option ensures that all data that exists in the table before the constraint was created is verified against the constraint.

Enforce constraint for replication

Enforces the constraint when the table is replicated into a different database.

Enforce constraint for INSERTs and UPDATEs

Enforces the constraint when data is inserted into or updated in the table.