About working with data in a datasheet

Microsoft Office Access 2003

The Table Datasheet and Query Datasheet toolbars provide many of the tools you need to find, edit, and print records.

Datasheet toolbar

Callout 1 Print or preview data.

Callout 2 Check spelling.

Callout 3 Cut, copy, or paste selected text, fields, whole records, or the entire datasheet.

Callout 4 Sort records.

Callout 5 Filter records, and find or replace values.

Callout 6 Add or delete records.

Show Working with columns, rows, and subdatasheets

You can find tools for working with columns, rows, and subdatasheets in the datasheet itself, or by right-clicking a column selector.

Tools for working with data in Datasheet view

Callout 1 Use the column selector to move, hide, or rename a column.

Callout 2 Resize columns or rows.

Callout 3 Use subdatasheets to view related data.

Callout 4 Freeze the leftmost column so that it is displayed as you scroll to the right.

Show Moving through records

You can use the navigation toolbar to move through the records in a datasheet.

Record navigation buttons

Callout 1 Go to the first record.

Callout 2 Go to the previous record.

Callout 3 Type a record number to move to.

Callout 4 Go to the next record.

Callout 5 Go to the last record.

Callout 6 Go to a blank (new) record.