I get the message "The setting you entered isn't valid for this property."

Microsoft Office Access 2003

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I get the message "The setting you entered isn't valid for this property."

If you are entering a value in a property that has a drop-down list, select a value from the list. For information about valid values for properties that don't have drop-down lists, press F1 in the property box.

If you are entering an expression in the ControlSource property box, make sure:

  • You precede the expression with an equal sign (=) or an alias for the expression. For example, both of the following are valid settings:
    ExtendedPrice: Quantity*UnitPrice
  • The data access page is bound to a table, query, or other record source before you attempt to enter the expression. You can't use expressions on a data access page that isn't bound to data.
  • The ID property of a calculated control is set to a unique name. Don't use the name of one of the fields you used in the expression or the ID of another control on the data access page.